Chapter 15...

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Emily's POV...

4 days later I find myself curled up on Sydney's couch, pizza in hand as we finish our second Rom-Com of the night: Bridesmaids.

We always spend the day before valentines like this, we used to do it on the actual day but then she had to go and get engaged and leave me all alone. She's already filled me in on all the romantic details of her and Harry's night away in New York next Saturday – I'm babysitting.

"Ahhhh! I just love that film!" Sydney cries as the credits roll. My throat hurts from laughing so much, my love life may be bad but at least it's not ruin-your-friends-wedding-bad. Even Annie gets the guy eventually though, unlike me – but I guess I have to take full responsibility for that.

"Sooooooooo..." she continues, not as subtly changing the subject as she thinks she is. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow night?"

I take a big sip of beer, "obviously I do not have any valentine's day plans."

"What? What about that Blonde girl? From your work?"

"Did you miss the part where I told you she completely hated me?"

"Still? I don't believe that." Suddenly I feel like she's the profiler as she studies my face, looking for any signs of weaknesses. I just smile at her, unable to hide my face which I know is turning red.

"Maybe not, she kissed me."

Sydney practically explodes at me, wanting to know absolutely everything that happened and why I haven't made a move on her. I explain in way too much detail about the kiss and all the little moments after: how she looked after me in Alaska, how we nearly kissed again, everything I can think of, finally happy I can talk to someone who won't immediately report back to JJ.

I leave out the bit about her sister though, obviously, she trusted me with that.

"I was right, you absolutely are crazy! Tell me again why you haven't kissed her yet?"

"I don't know, maybe because she ran away from me and she absolutely hated me 5 minutes ago!" How am I meant to explain this to Sydney if I can't even explain it to myself? It's all so confusing, is she actually interested in me or is my stupid brain making all these moments up?

She takes her final bite of pizza, just staring me down, she doesn't stop until she breaks me.

"I should have kissed her."

"No shit Emmy!"

"Look I know I should have, but it's too late now – I bet she has a date for tomorrow." I sound like a stroppy child when I say the last bit as I mentally scold myself yet again for being so stupid.

"It is absolutely not too late! You march into that bureau tomorrow and you kiss her!" She's definitely had way too much to drink, "Well, maybe don't do that. But, you should definitely, absolutely, 100% ask her out!"


"Emilyyyy," she replies mocking my tone, "come onnnn what's the worst that could happen?"

"Uh she could tell me that she doesn't like me and then it would be awkward and I'd have to transf-"

"Slow down! Why would she kiss you if she didn't like you?" The voice of reason asks – although I've never been one to listen to that voice.

"She'd just shot someone Syd..." the realisation only just hitting me, "she was probably just anxious and looking for comfort and-"

"Stop right there."

"Can I finish any sentences today?"

"Nope... Emily Prentiss I am not going to sit and listen to you profile her and ruin this for yourself."

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