Chapter 17...

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Jennifer's POV...

"You know, you're very easy to talk to," she said, "It scares me."

"What?" I laughed.

"I feel like I'm going to tell you all of my secrets or something."

"Do you have a lot of secrets, because I won't stop you telling them to me?"

She laughed slightly to herself and shook her head. It was scary how fast I'd opened up to her, it felt like we'd been together for ages not... well never, we're not officially anything, even now.

"I don't want to scare you away already," she whispered, only half-joking.

"You're not going to Em, we all have our fair share of demons" I reassured but it made me wonder what she was talking about – I'd already told her about Ros, one of my biggest secrets.

She didn't have to tell me, we've only been friendly for a week so I understand – it didn't stop me wondering though. Here was a girl, who was beautiful and smart and kind, scared of scaring ME away – after how I acted, she's worried about not being 'perfect' enough for me?

"I wish I'd known this JJ from the start," she said in passing, I don't think she thought about it but when she did she quickly followed up with, "I would have asked you out straight away."

"You would have?" 

"Don't make me say it again JJ," she pushed my shoulder, a smile reappearing on her face.

I remember the scene from last night as the credits finish, leaving the TV blank. I wish she'd known this JJ the whole time as well; I physically cannot stop myself from being happy, the buzz from the first kiss clearly hasn't worn off just yet.

I stand up off the sofa to look around the apartment because I didn't get much of a chance to last night. It's nice – tidy, and everything matches. My apartment is a lot more all over the place; everything is more sentimental than matching, and I rent it so I can't really do much to the walls or floors.

There are paintings on the wall, pottery on the shelves, but barely any photos. In fact, only one photo, stuck in a handmade glittery frame tucked in the corner of a shelf. It's her, Ali and a woman – who I can only assume is Sydney – all smiling in front of a park.

I don't have time to look for any more photos, because I hear Emily coming back - from what I assume is her bedroom - and plop back down onto the sofa.

"You are adorable," I say when she comes back into view.

She shoots me a confused look as she joins me on the sofa.

"The way you danced with her... it's sweet, you're sweet, Em."

A bashful smile spreads across her face, "I just like her to be happy."

"Yeah you're so sweet," I push her shoulder playfully. "I also noticed that you have grease on DVD and it's one of my favourites so we just have to watch it!"


"Oh... uh, sorry I don't mean to impose, I don't have to stay."

"No no! Please... stay," She quickly exclaimed, jumping up to put the film on, "I haven't seen it in forever!"

I smile to myself as she changes the DVD. It feels like we're back in our own little bubble, even though as soon as we go back to work it will burst. I try not to think about that right now, but make a mental note to talk to Emily about it – communication is key right? That's what everyone says.

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