Chapter 3...

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Jennifer's POV...

"Is this even legal?" I ask our genius tech analyst. It was meant to be a joke, but it comes out more accusatory.

"I don't even wanna think about that." She replies, somehow typing even faster on her keyboard. She turns around briefly to look me up and down. "You know, I may not be a profiler, but I can tell when something's bothering you... Spill!"

"What? No, I'm fine." I answer a little too quickly, "Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Nope! Now tell me what's wrong or I'll show the whole team your yearbook photo from 1994." My jaw drops as I see flashes of braces and pigtails on the screen, but she just smiles at me. I know she would never do that, but something about Garcia always makes my lips looser.

"Who is this new girl? Do we know anything about her?" I ask innocently

"Do you want me to investigate? Or do you want to tell me what she's done?"

Sometimes I think Pen can see straight into my soul. I let out a dramatic sigh.

"She completely steam-rolled my briefing yesterday, that's my job. Who does she think she is?"

"So this is why you've been huffy all day?" She asks, and I smile.

"I already spoke to Spence about this, and he said, give her a break, blah blah, she's so smart and so good at her job blah blah. Maybe next time, he should ask her to a redskins game." I throw the post-it note I've been screwing up onto the desk. I'm very aware that I'm ranting, but Garcia seems to ignore me and continue talking.

"She's fluent in Arabic jayje; obviously she was going to translate it for us."

"A computer could have done that," I state

"Yes, but can a computer be a tall, raven-haired beauty?" She asks pulling up Security footage from earlier at the BAU. I mean she's right, but that's not the point. I don't want to work with someone who thinks they're better than everyone else.

"You know you should really stop hacking into the FBI, you're going to start getting arrested." I joke trying to change the subject.

"You're right; I do not want to go back to prison." My mouth opens to ask, but I decide against it. "Anyway, she's new to the team; she just wants to take her chance."

"All I'm saying is that she better not take any more of my chances."

Garcia looks at me with raised eyebrows before continuing her search for... whatever it is she was looking for. Emily seemed so nice yesterday, and I was excited to get another girl on the team, but she obviously isn't here to make friends. I just know the nice act was for show; she'll probably do exactly what her mother did and destroy everyone she comes into contact with on her way to the top. I'm better off keeping my distance.

"Where's my number 1?" Morgan asks as he walks into the room.

"Right here, my sweets!" She cries, leaning back on her chair. I love Morgan and Garcia's relationship, if only a little jealous. I know they're not together but he still treats her like a queen. I'm still waiting for my knight in shining armour, and I've long given up on the hope it would be Spence.

"You know, you're not looking too bad yourself JJ, you could be my number 2, just say the words," he says, giving my body the once over.

"Flattered, as always, Derek," I say, draining the last of my coffee.

"We're all going out, are you two ladies going to join us? Prentiss is getting the first round." I go to politely decline but Garcia grabs my hand.

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