Chapter 5...

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Jennifer's POV...

The walls of my office were really starting to bore me, so finally being out of Virginia on a case is a dream come true. A very odd dream, I must admit, but I'm grateful. I'm even more grateful that Hotch didn't pair me with Emily Prentiss.

I know I made things 10x worse last week, and of course, my brain managed to remember every single thing I shouted in that disgusting club bathroom. If I'd have just shut my mouth or not drunk so much, she'd never know and everything would be fine. I can't believe I brought up her mother like that too, I can see from her reaction that was a low blow. I'm sure she completely hates me now.

Not that I care or anything.

I've been interviewing the families and friends of the victims since we got here, it's hard to establish any sort of motive against the Kyle's, and according to everyone who knew them, they were good people. I'm set up at the station, along with Hotch, everyone else is occupied somewhere else. I wish I was somewhere else because the police department  – as usual – are being extremely unhelpful.

"Is it okay if I go through some of your case files?" I ask the detective. He's adamant that I won't be able to find any linked crimes, but I press on anyway. "Help me out?" I ask taking a small step closer to him, I say something else to make him feel bad for me and give him my flirtiest smile.

"I'll show you the file room," he says, flashing me a small smirk and giving my body a once over. Gross. Hotch nods at me before I follow after him, I don't know why I ever felt threatened by Emily, she doesn't know Hotch as I do and she doesn't work half as well with him. I would have loved to have seen her try that.

After an hour or so of looking, I give up, It turns out there actually aren't any cases that match the M.O, but that does not mean the detectives are team players. We both have the same goal at the end of the day, but I guess they want the gold star once the Unsubs are in custody.

Hotch came to find me after a while, just as disappointed as I was that we didn't manage to find a match. I feel useless as I sit around a table with everyone else, we have no leads, and Emily and Spence are talking in circles. We've walked, face first, into a brick wall.

"What if we look at it a different way?" Emily suggests. Nobody says anything, allowing her to continue, we must all be really out of ideas if we're letting the newbie take charge.

"Have there been any unsolved house invasions? Or any suspected burglaries?"

"Oh my God," I say quietly to myself, as I remember a pile of detective notes I sifted through, "yeah, 3 months ago, there was a prowler called in, directly outside of the Kyle's house."

"Was there a name for the witness?" She asks. I quietly scold myself for not connecting these dots sooner.

"I can find it," I run back to the file room to look through the case files, sure enough finding a name and an address for a Tobias Hankel. When I get back, Morgan and Emily are gone, probably making out by the coffee machine or something. Gideon isn't there either, but I assume he's actually doing something useful to help us out.

I call out the name and address to Hotch and he tells me to take Reid there in order to check it out.


"I'm sure Emily or somebody else can go, don't you need me here?"

"We need Prentiss here to help with the actual profiling." He says in his normal, cold tone. Ouch.

"Okay, we're on it." I manage to whisper as a response; I grab my jacket and march straight out to the car hoping that Spence follows behind me...

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Spence asks me as we finally get out of the city and onto the country roads. I rolled down the windows a little to let the warm, September breeze in but I'm still gripping the wheel hard enough that my hands could go right through.

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