Chapter 8...

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TW: Brief mention of s*icide

Emily's POV...

When I walk into the diner, I spot Sydney immediately. I haven't seen her in person for ages and I feel like I could cry as all the stress I've been under at the BAU begins to melt away. She's always been only a phone call away but seeing her in real life puts a massive smile on my face.

"EMMY!" She squeals running over to me from her booth. She practically knocks me off my feet as she runs into me and wraps her arms around my torso.

We didn't want to go anywhere fancy so we decided on a small diner on the outside of DC. When we were in college, we used to come here all the time, especially during exam season. It was a bit of a drive from where we were living, but no one does burgers quite like Benny does.

Speaking of Benny, he suddenly appears at the counter and waves at me.

"Haven't seen you here in a while," he exclaims, "I was starting to think you weren't going to show!"

"And miss out on your world-famous burgers? I don't think so," I say, giving him a small hug over the counter, "oh and of course to see this one!" I exclaim, I lean back towards Sydney and wrap my arm around her waist.

It feels good to be here, almost like home.

"I put you girls in your favourite booth; do you want your usual?"

"Oooh yes! But can I please have a milkshake instead of lemonade, I've been craving one all day!"

"Coming right up for you Emmy,"

I beam at him right before he disappears into the kitchen. Sydney practically pulls me into our booth, wearing a smile almost as big as mine.

"So... tell me everything! How's your new job? How's your new apartment? Ooh! Are you dating anyone?" her energy bounces off the walls, people turn around in their chairs to stare at her, but she doesn't care, she never has.

I always loved that about Sydney, she always does what makes her happy without worrying about anyone else's opinion. She always pulled me out of my comfort zone and I'm so grateful for it, I would never have done half the things I have without her.

"The job is amazing!" I start, "It's stressful and time-consuming but it's so exciting and I just love it there! Oh, and you'll never guess who I'm working with!"


"David. Rossi!" I practically scream.

"No way! You have to get him to sign a copy of his books for me!"

"Ahh, we'll see about that, he's not the biggest team player. Also the apartment, wow, the view is breath-taking, and it's just perfect, everything is falling into place, seriously."

"Aaannd..." she says, and I just look at her, she raises her eyebrows at me, and I sigh.

"No, I'm not dating anyone.."

"Well is there anyone special, maybe a badass FBI agent?"

"No," I shake my head but I can feel myself blushing and I know I'm caught.

"Oh my God, there totally is!" She squeals, "What's her name?"

"No," I sigh, "She totally hates me!"

"How could anyone ever hate you?" She asks and reaches out for my arm; I laugh at her and roll my eyes.

"If I'm remembering correctly, you hated me for 2 months!"

"Okayyyy, but then I realised how genuinely amazing and beautiful you are and I came to my senses."

Sydney asked me out in our second year of college, we were both on a psychology course and shared a dorm room, and one day I was making breakfast and she just asked me. We were young and happy and completely carefree; Nothing could hurt us, until it could.

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