Chapter 9...

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Jennifer's POV...

"JJ... hey JJ wake up," a soft voice pulls me out of my slumber. I slowly lift my head up only to be faced with the harsh lights of a hospital. "Garcia's awake."

I shoot up out of my chair and run my hand through my hair. I must have fallen asleep at some point during the night – it says 7 am on my watch. "Hey Pen," I whisper as I lean down to kiss her on the cheek, "how are you feeling?"

"Like someone just shot me in the stomach."

I smile at her and grab her hand, "I'm so glad you're okay."

She does her best to smile back at me, "where is everyone?"

"They should be here soon," Emily says, I hadn't even registered that the soft voice belonged to her, "I'll go and tell the nurse you're awake," she smiles at Garcia and then me before she pulls open the door.

"Have you kids been playing nice?" She asks and I sigh.

"Yeh Pen,"

"Did you apologise to her?" she asks and I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"For what?"

She only raises her eyebrow in response, and a small smile creeps onto my face to disguise the guilt, "this is the first thing you're thinking of?" I ask and she smiles, "Penelope Garcia gets out of a 3-hour surgery and her first thought is of her best friend's love life."

I hear it as it leaves my mouth and Penelope's eyes widen, her mouth falling open.

"Your what?"

"I didn't me-"

"OhmyGod!" she exclaims, her voice croaky but still full of excitement.

"Nononono, it was Morgan! He's getting in my head."

"You totally like her!"

"No! I do not like Emily!"

Just as I say that Emily backs into the room, hands full with 3 plastic cups of water. She hands me a cup, a sad smile sitting on her face.

Shit, she totally just heard that.

She places the other cups on the table, asking Pen if everything is okay and I bite so hard on my lip I'm positive I've drawn blood. They have a quiet conversation and I drain the water to give me something to do.

"We were here all night," Emily assures her and I look up from my cup.

"You stayed here all night?" I ask shocked.

"You fell asleep, Hotch wanted to wake you but-um... I told him I'd stay here."

"Th-thank you," I say so quietly I'm not even sure she heard it. We make brief eye contact and all I can see is sadness and fatigue.

"Yeah well," she says, she forces positivity into her voice, but I can tell it's strained. "Us girls need to stick together, especially when one of us has been shot down... literally."

Pen lets out a small laugh but suddenly turns serious, "Did you catch him?" She asks, "He seemed so normal, I just thought that he liked me..."

"Pen?" I ask confused, "Who did this to you?"

"The guy from the coffee shop, he just pulled out a gun... I...I didn't know what to do."

"Do you have a name?" Emily asks before I can say anything.

"James Colby Baylor,"

Emily scribbles it down on a notepad and hastily gets out of there, clearly eager to get away from me. I look back down to Garcia and she's closing her eyes, I give her hand a quick squeeze and whisper my goodbyes before leaving the room.

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