Chapter 6...

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Jennifer's POV...

The cabin we arrive at looks completely abandoned, if this turns out to be a waste of time, I feel bad for the rant Reid will have to deal with in the car. We walk up onto the porch in silence and knock.

I'm surprised when the door opens and a doe-eyed young man looks back at us.

"Hi, Tobias Hankel?" I ask, "FBI, I'm agent Jareau, this is Agent Reid."

"May we come in?" Reid asks and Tobias suddenly looks frightened.

"FBI?" he asks, his eyes nervously flicking between us. "I..I don't let anyone in the house," he says, shifting nervously. He keeps the door only slightly ajar and continues checking over his shoulder.

Reid also seems to be shifting around behind me but for a different reason. Couldn't he have used the toilet before we left? I shoot him a harsh look, and he tilts his head at me with an apologetic expression. He asks Hankel if he can use the toilet but he shakes his head.

"My father doesn't like it." He states, I try to look through the gap in the door, but I can't seem to see anyone else in the house. He checks over his shoulder again to see what I was looking at. He looks terrified of whoever is home with him, and I begin to worry we've stumbled over something else that needs investigating.

I try to ask him about the 911 call from 3 months ago, but he claims not to be able to remember any of it. I can see he's anxious to get the door closed and I really don't think he's going to be much help.

"Sorry to bother you, Mr Hankel," I say, Reid tries to ask to use the bathroom one more time but Tobias shakes his head before closing the door in our faces. I elbow him slightly and mouth 'what?'

"I was trying to get him to let us in!" He exclaims, I quickly apologise, but Spence has already started scaling the side of the building. "This could be our guy, think about it! Why would you call the police, only to later pretend you didn't?"

"To gauge the response time..." I realise aloud, "Spence what are you doing?" I ask as he rounds the corner of the house, he comes back seconds later whispering loudly.

"JJ! This is our Unsub! He has all the footage playing on a bunch of computers!"

Before I have time to reply to him, the front door slams open and Tobias makes a run for it towards a big red barn. I instantly chase after him, Spence following behind me. I didn't see if he went into the barn or not, so I crouch by the side of the door and try to look inside.

"I can't tell if he's in there or not!" I exclaim, pulling my gun out of its holster. "Spence, go around the back, I'll go in the barn."

"JJ. We should call Hotch." He looks deadly serious but I'm going to hold my ground. Plus, we haven't even got any cell service out here.

"Hotch knows we're here, he'll come looking for us!" I hold back from making a remark about Emily probably figuring out the whole thing anyway.

"JJ," he says sternly. "This is not how you prove yourself okay? We need back-up!"

"That's what you think this is?" I shout, "Reid! He's getting away, now go around the back!" when he doesn't move I gesture to the back and shout "Go!"

This isn't about proving myself. This is about arresting the bad guy so he can't hurt anybody else. I ignore the voice in my head gloating because I'm going to apprehend him. This has nothing to do with Emily. It doesn't.

He disappears around the barn and I stand up, taking a deep breath as I step inside. I hold my gun out ahead of me, but I can barely see anything in here. The smell hits me before I see anything, the overwhelming scent of dead animals overtaking me, making me gag slightly.

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