Chapter 21...

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Emily's POV...

I'm so frantic I can barely remember what I'm looking for.

People run from the building, streaming out the doors, holding hands of children and any belongings they could grab. There's only one thing I want to be holding right now, and she goes by the name Jennifer.

I walk as fast as I can; trailing behind the crowd, holding onto my aching stomach that I just know is black and blue. I see Hotch in the distance, yelling an order over the commotion. I don't see JJ anywhere. A sudden thought that she's in the building pierces through my brain, but that's crazy.

That is crazy right?

I stop and turn to look back at the building, my eyes searching for any sign of her. She doesn't have the training for that, she wouldn't be in there.

She's not in there.

She can't be.

A sudden blast knocks me off my feet and I watch as the building bursts into flames. I choke on the dust disturbed by the explosion, coughing into my fist. I try to put as much distance between me and the building as I can while leaning on my hands, scrambling backwards on the dirt.

"Spence?" I hear a voice shout before breaking into a coughing fit. She quickly recovers and calls my name next. I can barely get a good look through the thick smoke and dust that's gathering around me.

I push myself to my feet anyway croaking out a weak "JJ?"

I feel her arms thrown around my neck before I see her.

"Oh my God!" she heaves out a sigh of relief. I feel her leave a small kiss on the bottom of my neck as she buries her head into it. I don't manage to get any words out, I only hold onto her as long as I can until she lets go.

"I thought you got blown up in there!" She shouts, her eyes glistening, reflecting a warm glow from the disaster raging on behind me.

"Can't get rid of me that easily Jareau."

"Where's Spencer?" She asks, her brief smile quickly fading.

"He wasn't ahead of me?"

She shakes her head slowly, before jerking her head left and right to look for him. She grabs my hand and sets off back where she came from – she doesn't let go right up until we reach a stern-looking Morgan.

"Prentiss!" He claps a hand on my shoulder, a tight-lipped smile forming on his face, he misses a beat before saying "I'm glad you're okay."

"Have you seen Spencer?" JJ asks before I can reply to him.

"He'll be here somewhere."

"But Morgan I-"

"I said he'll be here." He snaps.

"JJ," I say trying to comfort her, I press my hand to her back, "you need to sit down, come on."

I watch as she blinks back tears and swallows hard, staring at Morgan for a brief minute before returning her attention back to me.

"It's you who needs to sit down," she says, forcing me further away from the chaos, "You're hurt."

"I'm fine," I say unconvincingly, "and so is Reid."

She puts her hands on my face, busying herself with inspecting the cuts around my eye. We stay in silence for a few minutes, her face so close to mine I can see the tears forming and reforming as she forces her emotions down.


"Don't, you might make it worse."

I gently take hold of her wrists and force them away from my injuries. I watch as her bottom lip trembles slightly before she regains her composure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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