Chapter 13...

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TW: Mention of s*icide

Emily's POV...

I stir awake, and I'm immediately thankful to have seemingly avoided nightmares for the night. The relief is short lived, because when I manage to drag my eyes open, several blurry figures are stood over me and I shoot upright.

I groan as I feel a stabbing pain shoot through my head, and I curse under my breath, my hand instantly clutching at my head. The people around me slowly come into focus and once my team realise I'm awake they all talk at once.

"Guys! Give her a minute," Rossi half-shouts, I can't see him so he must be the only one who didn't try to suffocate me as I woke up.

"What happened?" I croak out, the pain in my head turning into a dull throb.

"You collapsed," JJ says, suddenly by my side, "the doctor said it was just fatigue."

"You're lucky she was there to catch you, otherwise you could have gotten a nasty concussion," Johnson says, I recognise him from earlier; he's one of the few doctors in Franklin.

JJ smiles shyly at me, while Hotch thanks the doctor for rushing out.

"Penelope, are you okay?" I ask confused – remembering vaguely what happened.

"I'm perfect now you're okay hot stuff!" She exclaims but she's not as convincing as normal.

"There's another body," Morgan says and JJ elbows him in the leg, he yelps as she does it, "what?"

Suddenly everything rushes back to me, the screams, the blood, the way I felt him leave. Yet another person that I couldn't save.

"We need to get back out the-" I say, getting up, the room around me starting to spin.

"You don't," JJ says, hooking her arm around my waist, "I'm going to take you to our room,"

I try to protest but the rest of the team all agree with her – I start to wonder why she suddenly cares about me – I just want to work the case!

She helps me all the way up to our room and only lets me go to sit on the bed, "how are you feeling," she asks.

My head is throbbing, but not just from collapsing, from JJ's sudden turn in how she treats me. One minute she's shouting at me and giving me the stink eye every time I say something, and now she's kissed me and is trying to look after me? What has gotten into her?

"I'm-um... tired," she looks disappointed at my answer, like she wanted me to open up to her – not that there's anything to open up about.

"You should sleep then," she says with a small, awkward laugh, "I'll get your stuff."

I nod as she goes to the bathroom to grab my bag. I pull back the covers, but before I even have chance to get under them, I fall asleep...

I clutch at the edge of the cliff, trying to find something to pull myself up with. The water below me violently crashing against the rocks – one wrong move and I'll fall to my death.

I hoist myself up to try and get a grip on something, but my hand misses and I scramble back up so I don't let go completely. I betray everything movies have ever told me and look down. It feels like the water is laughing at me, the rocks waiting for their next victim, the cliff edge tired of its unwelcomed guest hanging off the side.

When I look back up, there's a silhouette of a man standing over me: finally, help!

"Please help me!" I cry, but the figure makes no sign of moving. "Please!"

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