Chapter 16...

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Emily's POV...

What happens now?

Those 3 words rattled around my head for what felt like hours before she finally spoke for me. 'I guess we should just talk about it,' she'd said and I'd nodded slowly in response. The high that came from the kiss had fizzled away and left us standing in an odd yet comfortable silence – we were both in shock, at least I definitely was.

I asked if she drove into work and she'd replied awkwardly 'Spence brought me... and Will was meant to take me home but uh...' she signalled at me with her hands. I remember how nervous she looked as if it were yesterday – which it was, so I'm not sure why I find it so weird that I remember every single detail.

She went back to get her stuff before I took her to my apartment.

We were both waiting to say something, I could feel it, and it seemed as though we both decided to finally talk at the same time – great minds think alike – because neither of us got to say what we wanted. It was like that awful movie cliché where they both laugh and insist that the other go first. It was a bit more bearable with JJ.

"Okay," I finally said, "Why did you hate me?"

She clearly hadn't been expecting that question because she whipped her head around to face me. She dragged her bottom lip through her teeth before her face softened and she answered me.

"You know, I don't think I ever did." She briefly looked out of the window at the not quite dark city, releasing a small sigh through her nose – we were full of movie clichés.

"I was insecure... and threatened by you I guess. I thought you were gonna swoop in and steal my friends and my job." She admitted it more to herself than to me. "I realised I liked you the day I kissed you," She rushed out finally.

"I have to admit, it wasn't great timing." I chuckle.

She let out a loud, genuine laugh, "You think?" She shook her head at me, "I thought I'd messed everything up... because you pushed me away. I thought you had a girlfriend for God's sake!"

"Why didn't you tell me... after you knew that I didn't... and about the funeral?"

"I didn't think you would want to talk about it."

I wasn't sure this was strictly true but I didn't push it.

"What were you going to say?"

"Oh," she started, like she was suddenly embarrassed, "I was just wondering why you forgave me so fast?"

"Forgave you for what?" I asked. She nervously picked at her nails, avoiding eye contact with me – she still feels guilty.

"Hmm, I don't know... calling you a bitch with a political agenda?" She winces slightly at the memory.

"I guess I just liked you," I shrugged my shoulders, trying to act like I haven't been crushing on this girl for weeks.

"Oh, so you really wanted to kiss me since you met me huh?"

"I'm going to regret saying that to you."

"Oh, you so are!" She giggled, a huge smile on her face. I shook my head but she just continued laughing, "you know, I knew I'd caught you staring at me!"

"What?" I asked alarmed, whipping my head round to look at her – swerving the whole car in the process.

"Emily!" She shouted, still trapped in a fit of giggles, "am I that distracting?" She teased in a low voice, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she did so.

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