Chapter 18...

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Emily's POV...

It's practically torture waiting for Friday to finally roll around, although we aren't whisked away on a case so I guess that counts for something. Apart from some stolen moments in her office, I've barely physically spoken to JJ since Saturday. We text each other at every spare moment, and I seem to have racked up a hefty phone bill for conversations that were not meant to go on for hours.

She refuses to tell me anything about the date, all she's told me is to wear a dress that isn't too fancy but is fancy enough – like I know what that means.

I decided that a plain, black dress could work for every situation so that's what I'm wearing when JJ pulls up outside of my apartment to pick me up. She's wearing a dark blue dress, she looks beautiful, and I'm pretty sure we both look fancy but not too fancy.

We pull up outside a small Italian restaurant which I immediately know Rossi told her about. It wasn't a long drive anyway, but it felt like we'd got here in seconds because of how excited I am.

I close the car door behind me and feel JJ's hand on my shoulder, "Rossi told me about this place."

"It looks great," I say, it really does.

There are hedges on either side of the path to the door, with fairy lights laced through them. It's not quite dark but they're already switched on and twinkling in between the leaves.

"Come on," she says and when I don't move, she grabs my hand and gently pulls me towards the entrance. It's even nicer inside; there are small trees and hedges around the edges of the room and occasionally separating tables. The fairy lights continue inside across the ceiling and again lacing through the hedges.

There's some classical music playing, and the place is bursting with life. Almost every table is full of couples and families happily eating and chatting – I suddenly get the feeling that JJ has picked the perfect place for our first date.

JJ's talking to a waiter but she doesn't seem happy, instead she looks annoyed.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, placing a comforting hand on her back.

"Apparently our reservation just doesn't exist." She says to me, before turning back to the waiter, "I made this booking on Monday, the names Jareau."

"I'm sorry," he says, looking more scared of JJ than apologetic, "I don't have that name down here, and we don't have room for walk-ins at the moment."

"But that's-" she starts but I stop her by moving my hand to her shoulder.

"It's fine, let's just go." She looks up to me with a quizzical look on her face, "thanks anyway," I say the waiter as politely as I can manage – it's not really his fault we don't have a table.

She follows me out, and we stand by the car. "I'm so sorry," she says, taking my hands, "I wanted this to be the perfect date!" She says the last bit more to herself than to me, "and now I've ruined it."

"Hey, look at me, it's not ruined," she looks unconvinced, "we can just, come here another time." She drops her head down to the floor, anxiously chewing on her lip and I try to rack my brains for what to do instead.

"Hey JJ, how far away are we from Bell's park?" A sudden idea popping into my head.

"I don't know, 20 minutes?" She says, finally looking up from the floor, "Why?"

"Get in," I say and jump into the driver's seat. She reluctantly moves around to get into the passenger seat, half-heartedly throwing her arms up in the air.

"This is my car?" she says more to herself than me, but still she sits down and closes the door. "Where are we going?" she asks suspiciously but I just annoyingly tap my nose.

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