KFC shows his face

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AN:The voting from the last chapter will be going up until the 16th of January of 2021

After Wolfgang slaughtered the village full of corrupted people he reappeared in the throne room, covered in blood from head to toe.

Wolfgang:I'm back, Lord Heydrich.

Y/N:Did you make sure to torture Honest?

Wolfgang:Of course I did-said while licking the blood from his face

Wolfgang:Of course I did-said while licking the blood from his face

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Y/N:What did you do?

Wolfgang:Made him watch Boku no Pico all the way to the end. The Bastard died before getting past the introduction.

Y/N:Still good work, Albedo-said looking at him.

Emperor:What do we do know?

Y/N:We'll tell the people from the Empire what Honest and several others were doing and I'll convince them using my supernatural charisma.

Guard:The Jaegers have recovered.

Y/N:So fast?

Guard2:Yes Dr.Stylish was working on a medicament that healed all wounds and restored your stamina, it worked perfectly.

Esdeath:And that is why were here-said appearing with the rest of the Jaegers.

Bols:Can't believe that Honest would do such a thing hope he's suffering in hell right now.

Seryu:But what does that mean for the Night Raid?

Dr.Stylish:We could always just tell them what happened, I mean I'm sure they should have heard of this by now.

Meanwhile by pure causality.

Najenda:Look at this guys-said making a hologram displaying Honest telling the truth about everything.

Akame:So what do we do now?

Mine:I don't know.

Tatsumi:What about just sitting in a room with the Jaegers I'm sure they will explain everything to us.

Chelsea:That doesn't seem like a good idea Tatsumi.

Najenda:Like what Chelsea said it's a bad idea but it could help strengthening our forces and we wouldn't have to be in hiding anymore we would be free to walk around without having to fear about Ice Queen having us in Ice shooting distance.

Leone:I don't care about that but that man-said imagining Y/N shirtless all muscly-I like it.

Susanoo:What about we just go, I mean with the Primer Minister and likely the ones that cooperated with him are likely dead if not are being executed in this very moment, they pretty much did our job for us, we don't have anymore goals in mind.

Lubbock:Why don't we just go and besides we can't really do anything to them-said remembering Y/N.

Najenda:Then it's decided we will go to the Capital to have a talk with the Emperor and the Jaegers.

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