Chapter 24

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After the guys left, Lexi and I wandered around the airport for a while. After walking around and talking to random strangers for about a hour, we decided we were hungry. We left the airport and drove to Starbucks. Lexi got a javachip frappe and I got a vanilla bean frappe. After we ordered our drinks, we went to McDonalds.

"Hi welcome to McDonalds. May I take your order?" Asked the girl at the cash register. She is waaayyyy to peppy and happy to be working at McDonalds.

"Um yeah, can I get a ten piece chicken nugget?" Lexi said.

"Of course!" The girl said while smiling. "And for you?" She asked looking at me.

"Oh uh... I'll get a big Mac with no lettuce and extra pickles." I love pickles.

"Alright, your total is $8.16." Jesus this place is expensive. I handed her the money and she gave me my receipt. Lexi and I walked to a table and sat down.

"My life is going to be really boring without nash." Lexi said while looking out the window.

"I know right?" Our number was called, "order 403!" I got up. "I'll be right back." She nodded her head while looking at her phone.

I walked to the register and grabbed our food. When I was walking back to the table I remembered the note that Gavin (Lexi's brother) gave me. I thought I should tell Lexi.

"Hey, we need to talk." I told Lexi while sitting down.

She looked up, "Is everything okay?" She said sounding worried.

"Um, so," I paused and closed my eyes. "Gavin is back." I blurted out.

"What?" Lexi choked out. She already had tears brimming her eyes.

"He left a note on my car saying that we needed to talk and he left me his number." I explained.

"When?" She asked. "After you found out nash had a girlfriend." I told her

"Ca- can I have his number?" She stuttered.

"Lex... I don't know, maybe I should talk to him before you do. Just to see what he has to say." I replied.

"He's my brother!"she raised her voice and people looked at us.

"I know! But he said that him and I should talk, not you and him!" I whisper-yelled.

"Kay. Whatever. Let's eat" she said blankly.

I picked up my burger shaking my head. We both ate really slow. I think Lexi was just processing all this and I was just honestly thinking of cam. I wonder what he is doing now.

Cameron's POV

All I can think about is McKay. Right as we got onto the plane, I started missing her.

I was staring off into space just thinking about her when nash said my name, "CAM!" He yelled. "W-what?" I stuttered in reply.

"Were landing dude." He said putting his seatbelt back on. I quickly grabbed mine and put it on.

When we got off the plane and went to baggage claim, a bunch if girls were waiting for us outside. "Should we take pictures with them?" Nash asked. Sometimes we would just say hi and leave, but there was only ten or fifteen so I decided we should. "Yeah why not?"

"Cam!" "Marry me!" A bunch of things were being yelled at me. I saw a girl that was really just full on bawling so I walked up to her. "Hey beautiful. What's your name?" She went wide eyed. Sorta like Lexi did when she met nash. "Um, Savannah" she smiled at me.

"I like that name."i said smiling back at her "really?" She asked me. I just laughed "yeah" I said.

She nodded her head. "Um can I take a picture with you?" She asked really shyly. "Of course!" She held up her phone and I kissed her cheek.

"Thank you! I love you so much cam." She practically yelled. "I love you too." And she walked away.

We all got into the car. "That wasn't bad." Nash said.

We all agreed and all got onto our phones.

I already miss McKay.

Anddd this is really just a filler... The next couple of chapters might be a little boring because they aren't together and I don't really know what to write but yeah ..

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