Chapter 7

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We walked to cam's room and walked in. I was quite nervous but I felt like I could trust him. I don't know why but I feel like I've known him forever.

We sat down on the bed and the awkward silence, that I knew would come, showed up.

"Do you want too play 20 questions?" cam asked.

"Yeah. Sure." I replied

"What is your favorite color?" was his first question.

"My absolute favorite color is salmon." I replied

"Salmon? That sounds so fancy." he gave me a weird look.

"Whatever. What is your favorite thing too do?" I asked him. "Make videos and be with friends and family." oh. my. god. This boy is so perfect.

"This is the weirdest question ever but, are you a virgin?" he asked me. "Umm... yeah." I looked down and blushed. "Hey don't look down, I am too. Don't feel weird, you don't need too feel weird around me."

I looked into his eyes and we both started leaning in.  All of the sudden, someone banged on the door. ugghhhh! Who ever it is, I hate them. Cam went too open the door,and there stood Lexi. Bitch. Just kidding. I love her

Lexi said that our time was up. So we went too the room and watched a movie. We all fighted about what we wanted too watch but, eventually, we decided on mean girls. Cuz, you know, why not.

Cameron told me sit by him so I did. we cuddled the entire time. Dying inside. I was getting tired and I felt my eyes droop. I tried too stay awake but eventually, I felt the sleep overtake me.

Okay guys... 61 reads is not as much as most things but I am so proud! I didn't think it would go that far! So every author of every fan fiction I have read gives their Kik and other things away so if you want too gibe me ideas or you want too be in the story message me

Kik: shawnissex

twitter: @srslyamahomie

Thanks for being awesome! Love you guys!

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