Chapter 23

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McKay's POV

I fell like I'm overreacting about all of this. I mean, I've been crying nonstop even though I know I'll see cam eventually. It just sucks to know that anything could happen to our relationship. The other thing is that we have been dating for almost 4 days... I know I love Cameron, but how do I know that Cameron really loves me and I wasn't just someone to keep him company while he was here.

"Are you okay?" Lexi asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess."

Lexi and I were sitting and talking while Nash and cam were getting us all Starbucks.

"Yeah, I know what your feeling." She told me. I looked at her, "So what happened with you and Nash exactly?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"I looked into his eyes McKay. I knew I shouldn't have and I tried my hardest to look at the ground or the ceiling or pretty much anywhere that wasn't him, but I couldn't. I looked into those beautiful eyes and I broke. I don't care though, I really love him and, well, you know how I feel." She explained.

I didn't even know what to say. I just started laughing. I was laughing at her so hard that tears came to my eyes.

"Stop! Its true!" She hit my shoulder.

"I'm sorry! It's cute, but really cheesy." I told her. "I know." She said while smiling at the ground.

"I'm going to miss cam." I said while tearing up again.

Lexi walked over to me and gave me a hug. "I know, I'm sorry." She whispered to me.

"Babe I got your Starbucks!" Cameron was yelling all the way across the airport.

I started laughing really hard and so did Lexi. We got up and started walking towards them. When we got to them, I yelled, "My bae!" With my arms out. Cam opened his arms and I grabbed my Starbucks. "Oh." Cam said. "I love you too" I said while kissing him.

"You better." He said while winking at me. I love when he winks. You know the saying "If looks could kill." ? Yeah well, with Cameron, it's "If winks could kill." I mean seriously, we'd all be dead.

"What time does your guy's flight leave?" I heard Lexi ask the guys.

"In about an hour." Nash told her. She nodded her head in response.

I turned to cam, "I'm going to miss you." I said while wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I'm going to miss you too baby. So so so much." He said while leaning down and pecking my lips.

* An hour later *
"Flight 164 to California boarding now." The intercom blared through the empty airport.

"That's us." Taylor said. Taylor, Hayes, and Carter came about 30 minutes ago. If the flight wasn't delayed for 2 hours, those 3 would have missed their flight. Idiots.

We all stood up and started hugging each other. Lexi was crying but not to bad, that's weird... You'd think she would be full on bawling right now.

Cam and I had been hugging forbfive minutes when the intercom came on again, "Flight 164 to California, last call, now boarding."

"Okay baby, we gotta go." Cam told me.

I felt the tears again. I just nodded my head.

"I'll call you everyday, ten times a day." Nash was telling Lexi.

Cam let go of my hand and all of the guys ran towards their flight.

I'm going to miss him so much. I hope I see him again soon.

Okay guys.. I suck... I don't even know if I want to keep this going. I mean, I've had a few people messaging me telling me that I'm copying other stories and stuff... Um No? I promise you all, I'm not copying anything.
Okay so here is a double update because I never update... There may be an update tomorrow

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