Chapter 11

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While we were driving, I turned the radio on. 1000 miles came on and cam went all white girl. He started singing along. "Oh. My. God! It's my song! AHHH!" he shouted

"Making my way downtown

Walking fast

Faces pass

And I'm home bound,

dunna dunna dun da, and I need you,

dunna dunna dun da, and I miss you,

dunna dunna dun da, and now I wonder..."

"Cameron! hahahahahaha! You just made my life!" I told him

"What? I love this song!" he said getting defensive.

"I think your cute." I said blushing, which made him blush.

We continued driving. I saw a sign that said "Turn here"

Cameron turned... obviously...

We ended up at a... a.. a beach?!

He got out and came around to my side. He opened my door. Gawd this boy is perfect.

We walked down this trail of sand that had gorgeous paper lanterns stringed along the sides of the trail.

There were flowers everywhere.

The whole time we walked the trail, our fingers were interlocked. It was so perfect.

We got to our destination, I think, where Cameron handed me a slip of paper. After I read it, I looked up too see Cameron no where in sight. I now knew what was going on, this was a scavenger hunt... I had too find Cameron.

The first "clue" read:


obviously I'm no where in sight.

So come and find me... Your next clue is where you check yourself too see if you look good. By the way, you look gorgeous..

I blushed so hard. Okay, hmmm... Where do I check myself at??? Oh! The bathroom!

I was running, looking at all the signs... Aha! I saw a sign that said:




I went right and saw a big sign that said bathroom. As I approached, I saw a piece of paper taped to the door.

It read:

Yay! You found clue #2!

Clue 3 is where you would buy stuff that you need too live.... sorry bae, I'm bad at clues...

Let's see.. I need water, but I can't drink ocean water, or buy it... Food!

I ran too the foodshack... ya ya, I know where it is.

I saw the note!

It said:

Come too the edge of the place where you get wet...

The edge of the ocean...

I looked over, and just then, I saw a guy.

Thinking it was Cameron I ran too him. When I got there, I saw Hayes, Nash's brother. "Here is your last clue McKay."He said.

I gave him a small smile.

The clue read:

Your last clue! Good job bae!

anyways see those boats over by the port...

go to them and you will find me ☺

I ran too the boats and finally saw him. He is too perfect. I walked towards him and immediately hugged him when I reached him.

"I love it cam. Thank you." I told him.

"Oh were not done." He said winking.

Oh no... There's more.

This date tho.... ugh. Even I have the feels. I would die if I got a date like this with cam...

Anyways... I have like 170 reads! Thank you so much! Keep reading! Vote! Comment!

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