Chapter 3

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We had to walk all the way to the end of the building to another room. When we got to the room, we had to wait in yet another line... surprise, surprise. Anyways, we got our autograph tickets ready and our group was called in.

Lexi just kept saying how excited she was and how happy she was... Like I really cared... Well I do care that she is happy but you know, ugh never mind. When we got up to Nash and carter, Nash asked Lexi "What is your name beautiful?", she replied by saying "O my god." Like that is all she said.. oh my god... wow lex, what a good way to embarrass yourself... after that she told him her name and all was good. When I went to Nash and carter, he asked me what my name was... what, I'm not beautiful? aha jk. I saw Lexi talking to hayesvthen recording him... oh okay then... stalk much? jk jk. I went up to Cameron and he looked up, then down, then up again with wide eyes... okay? I just thought nothing of it. "What's your name? Oh and by the way, you are absolutely gorgeous!" he said. I could feel my face heat up. "Don't say that just cuz I'm a fan... and my name is McKay." I said l, but soon regretted it.

"No, really you are gorgeous!" he said a bit defensively. "Oh well thank you very much." I got my autograph and walked away... Lexi, of course, started bawling. I turned and saw Nash get up. He started walking towards us. He then grabbed Lexi's wrist and pulled her in for a hug... he must've read her letter right away... I heard what he was saying. "I don't want you to ever hurt yourself again." he said while looking at her arms. Lexi continued while saying what sounded like "I'm sorry" but who knows, I mean she is crying so much. Nash then kissed her cheek and said goodbye. We left the room, both with smiles on our faces. Now we just got to walk around comic con and wait to get our group photo done.

Sorry it sucked. surprise with Nash and Lexi huh? Any ship names? lash? nexi? lesh? haha I don't even know... okay love you guys!

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