Chapter 28

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A/N: I'm a horrible author but I just found out that my girlfriend has been cheating on me for 2 weeks. Not that any of you care, but here you go.


Lexi's POV
I'm so excited to see nash, it's all I can think about. Well, besides the fact that cameron cheated. I know I'm a horrible best friend for not telling McKay, but Cameron needs to tell her, himself.
Nash found out the day after and then he told me right away. I was gonna tell McKay, but nash convinced me otherwise.
Right now my mom, McKay, and I are driving to the airport. Our flight is at 7:00 a.m. and it's 6:45, so hopefully we get there soon.
"Mom, how far away are we?" I asked.
"like 4 minutes." She replied blankly. I know it's because she is mad at me. She doesn't want me even going in the first place. She told me she has three reasons,
1- McKay and I are staying with my dad.
2- she has a "bad feeling in her gut" about nash
3- I won't be in the same state as her, so she can't constantly check my phone.

The third one she didn't actually say out loud, but knowing my mom, it's true. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my mom said that we were there. I looked up and saw the airport. Finally.

McKay's POV
The whole car ride down was super awkward and filled with tension that could be cut with a knife. I knew Lexi's mom didn't like this whole trip, but I guess she kind of had to deal with it.
By the time we got to the airport, we had ten minutes until our flight. Shit.
"Okay, mom, I love you so much. Thank you for letting me do this. I'll call you everyday and I'll see you in two weeks." She hugged her mom and we got out of the car.
I went around to the back of the car and grabbed all of our stuff. As soon as I shut the trunk, Jenni sped off.

Lexi rolled her eyes, "she is so overdramatic."
I shook my head and we went to our gate. When we got on the plane, we noticed that we had seats right next to each other. I took the window seat and she took the aisle seat. We sat down and prepared ourselves for the flight.

I don't even know how to continue. But I'll put the smut in the next chapter.

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