I could stay like this forever💚

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I turned back to face him and I slowly asked, "Why'd you lock the door?" Though I was beyond pissed, my body seemed heavier than usual, my breath coming short. The walls pressed close around me.

"Recover Girl decided to lock you in until she came back from Principal Nezu's office. She still wants to talk to you." He replied, a bit aggravated. I noticed a small cup of water next to him and a rag, both sitting on a table littered with bloodied tissues.

"What the fuck..." i could hardly get the words out loud enough for him to hear. He perked up and noticed that i was staring at the vibrant red staining the white paper. He squirmed in his seat a bit and said, "Recovery Girl will explain when she comes back. You should sit down and wait for her."

I frowned and remained standing. There was no way that id willingly sit back down next to the stalker.

The doors clicked and slid open, the short woman walking in. "Ah the young trouble-maker is finally awake." She was quick to bring about her disappointed mood.

I leaned up against the wall, watching as she pulled her stool around, finally sitting in it.

"You and i need to have a chat." She pulled her lips into a line, which for some odd reason made me shudder. Deku also shuddered, probably because he had been yelled at her on multiple occasions.

"Should-should i go?" He asked, quietly, getting up from the chair. Without looking away from me, Recovery Girl shook her head, prompting for him to sit back down.

She began, "Now, young Bakugo, it seems as though you don't have much appreciation for the work i do for you. You removed your nasogastric tube in a violent manner, which in turn, injured yourself. If you'd recall what you did, I'll explain what happened on the inside."

She traced her finger over her throat, well really just her wrinkles, and said, "As you removed the tubing, the edge was scraped up against the walls of your esophagus. This created a laceration and internal bleeding ensued. You are lucky that it wasn't deep enough to kill you."

Deku flinched in his seat, his hand coming up to cover his throat. I didn't, but i could still taste blood on my tongue. The sharpness of the taste of metal was somewhat addictive, yet disturbing.

"So...what now?" I croaked, my throat burning. She shuffled in her seat. "I did the most I could to help your body heal but i can't do it all. Im keeping you off the feeding tube for a few days to let your esophageal tissue heal on its own, but i advise that you do not eat solids foods, rather things like protein drinks."

I gagged. The last time i ever drank protein drinks was in middle school. I was having a hard time growing because of a vitamin deficiency. I drank at least two every day, forcing myself to. I hated those vile things, but i convinced myself that they were my one ticket to becoming the number one hero.

The only positive result from them was that i grew and i gained much of my muscle. Now, i couldn't imagine drinking those again.

Recovery Girl squinted her eyes at me and whispered something to Deku. He nodded, staring right at me. A look of confusion washed over him.

"If you've got somethin' to say, why can't you tell me, huh?" I gestured towards Deku, who was now fiddling with the strings on his shorts. Recovery Girl hmphed and said, "Before you so rudely interrupted me, I was telling Midoriya here that im assigning him to be in charge of your healthcare." I laughed, "The hell he is!"

She deadpanned. "As far as i have seen and heard, he has been involved in your predicament since the beginning and it is best to try and fix whatever problem that the two of you have while you can." Deku squirmed in his seat uncomfortably, eyes trained to the floor again.

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