Izuku...I love you

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(When you finish this chapter, listen to this song. I think it is the theme song for Bakudeku in this fanfic. Tell me if it fits. Also, I love this song and I want to make animations for it but I doubt it will ever happen)

I sat in the waiting room, my foot tapping uncontrollably. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, trying not to dash to his room. Mom sat next to me, her hand rubbing my back.

Dull voices surrounded me and I felt like I was falling into another panic attack. I bit my lip hard, causing it to bleed. That was pretty much the only way that I could keep myself from a panic attack.

I felt as though Izuku was right in front of me and all I had to do was reach out. The room around me went dark and I could see him standing in front of me.

He was hooked up to an IV stand, only in a tshirt and shorts. His feet were bare and I could see the icy tile beneath his warm feet start to fog up. He had a sleepy smile on his beautiful face, eyes glowing.

I shook my head, knowing it was another hallucination and bit my tongue to wake up. But he didn't go away.

Warm arms wrapped around me, soft lips kissing my forehead. I gasped, being awoken from that trance of pain and regret. A flash of green hair caught my eye and I knew it was him. I quickly pulled him into a hug, pressing our bodies together.

I started to breathe heavily, repeating the words "Don't let go" in my head nonstop.

"Izuku....I love you. Please don't let me go." I felt tears burning in my eyes as I nestled my face in the crook of his neck. "I love you too, Katsuki. I have to explain everything to you."

I nodded, but said, "Can it wait a few minutes?" He nodded gently and I drew in a shaky breath.

He was back in my arms, alive and well. The cold hole in my chest was now filled again and I could truly feel. I could feel the hurt, the love, the good and the bad.

I suddenly understood the ache that burned in my chest at night. The need for a closeness only he could fix.


After a long time of explanation, he told me that the reason for his sudden unconsciousness was due to sleep medication and the fact that he had low blood sugar.

He also told me that he wanted to show me the girl whom he saved. We both walked, hand in hand, to her hospital room.

We found her asleep, nurses monitoring her. "Somehow, her body went into overdrive and they can't figure out why." I noticed that he started to tear up as we watched through the glass.

I stepped closer to him and gave him a tight hug, kissing the top of his head. "She will be fine, Izuku."

We stood there, swaying back and forth in a quiet rhythm. Our hearts beat in some sweet melody and I could smell his strawberry shampoo.


3 weeks later

I sat on the soft grass below one of the blossoming trees. Izuku laid down next to me, his head in my lap. He gazed at the flower petals that blew around in the wind.

I, on the other hand, gazed at him. I made sure to remember every, single freckle on his face, every single string of hair that fell onto his face, every single smile he had.

It was calming to sit under the blossoming trees with him. I'd been planning this for quite some time now, unsure of whether he'd like it or not.

I had exchanged the plain tape on my face for a bright orange tape and I let Izuku draw things on it with a Sharpie. I'd already had to explain what it was to our class as well as other students, so I was pretty much a celebrity for it, which kinda sucked.

I ran my fingers through his hair, tucking it behind his ears. It was so impossibly soft.

"Babe, what do you think we are going to do when we become heroes?"

He looked at me instead of the blossoms now, eyes glistening. I sighed and said, "Well, I want to make you my husband. I want to spend every day with you and maybe have kids with you."

He frowned and said, "But, we are both guys...that's not possible." I chuckled and said, "We can adopt...or maybe there's someone with a quirk who can make the child for us. It'll be an adventure on its own."

I felt him tense up at the idea of adopting children. It was a big responsibility, sure, but we could do it.

"I think I'd want to try out gardening too."

He sat up, his hands almost sliding out from beneath him. "How can you be so blatant when changing a subject?!" I laughed at his confused expression and flopped onto my back.

I drew in a short breath and said, "We have our whole lives ahead of us, my love. We can do whatever we want, whether that be have kids or spend our time eating ice cream and watching sappy romcoms. Or...maybe we can test out different positions and that stuff if youd like~"

His face went a beet red and he didnt have the courage to reply to that.

He giggled, making butterflies flutter around in my head. "I think being a hero is first on my list, besides loving you~"

We sat in comfortable silence for a bit, before he spoke once more.

"Kastuki? What was the first thing you thought when you confessed to me? You were so nervous and a wreck, so you must have had something on your mind."

I chuckled, immediately knowing the answer. "Do you really want to know that badly?" He excitedly sat up and crossed his legs saying, "Yeah!"

I rolled my eyes and said, "You tell me what you were thinking first." His face went dull again and he pouted. "Why do you have to tease me like this?"

A warm blush creeped across his cheeks. "I wanted to hold you close.

"You were hurting because of me...and well, I thought that I should try to fix it."

I smiled slightly and kissed him gently, barely touching his lips. "Well..I was thinking,

'How do I say I love you?'"


(This is the end of this story! I'm sorry to end it like this, but I think I might have tied things together okay? This is my first finished story so I have little experience like that.

I just want to say, THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO READ THIS STORY! You gave me so much joy in writing this and i feel very happy to have made you happy.)

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