Am i hurting you?

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My return to the dorms felt way too calm to be normal. Things were quiet, everyone sleeping in their rooms late into the day, even Glasses which was very surprising.

I took that quiet time to run my laundry and organize my room, which had become quite the mess after a few days of panicking over exam grades coming soon.


As I walked back to my dorm room after running my clothes through the laundry machines, I could hear the idiots cackling from the common space. I passed by Glasses who gave me a subtle nod. I opened my door and shut it behind me quickly, as not to wake the sleeping Izuku.

Rolled up in a blanket, he slept on my bed. A soft snore eminated from him and I set the laundry basket on my desk. I started folding clothes and set them in my drawers.

At least we had Sundays off school. It was really the only time that we all used the main parts of the dorms other than the showers and kitchen since we were busy with classes.

As I was folding clothes, I heard him groan and turn over onto his side. I looked back and saw him turned to face me, but his eyes were still closed. He sighed, his chest slowly rising and falling again.

I bit my lip as I looked upon his sunkissed cheeks and I was tempted to pinch them gently. Instead, I set down the shirt that I was folding and tiptoed over to him. Kneeling down to his level, I gently brushed back his bangs with one hand, cradling his face in the other as I kissed his forehead.

His hair tickled my cheeks and I could feel his warmth against my lips. I smiled slightly and then pulled away to return to the chores. As I headed over to the laundry basket, I heard a small whimper.

"Kacchan?" Looking back, he was half asleep still, eyes hardly open. I chuckled and went back over to him. "Did you sleep well?" I tucked a floof of hair behind his ear as he smiled. "Yeah." He emerald eyes were half lidded, but they seemed to glow.

He leaned in until he rested his head in the crook of my neck and groaned, "I'm sleepy." Kissing the top of his head, I shook my head and said, "Then go back to sleep." I wrapped my arms around his back and pressed my cheek into his hair.

"Kacchan, can you sing me a song? Just a little bit?" I hummed a yes and thought of something. Oh I got it...

"Baby you're like lightning in a bottle! I won't let you go until I got it! All I need is to be struck. By. Your electric love~" Each word seemed to have it's own meaning but it meant more than a song to me.

It was the same song that I'd sung to him when I had to give him his EpiPen. When I was scared. It was when I had realized how much I cared for him. My throat started to squeeze shut at the memory.

"I can't sing anymore, Izuku. You need to go back to sleep." I bent my head down to kiss him, but he was already asleep. He snored and his lips were slightly parted.

I kissed him, gentle as not to wake him. I could taste his sweet cherry chapstick and it made me giddy.

Laying him down on my bed again, I pulled the blanket back up to his shoulders. I hopped back over to the laundry and finished folding the clothes.


Classes were more or less the same, though I would steal glances over at Izuku. During hero training, I started to notice how he would walk with a slight limp after using his legs to fight. I wanted to ask if he wanted me to carry him but I was afraid of what the others would think and it made me feel so stupid.

One day, we had hero training again. We changed into our costumes and headed out onto the training fields. I lingered just behind Izuku, not wanting to be apart from him.

"Today, you will be sparring. I'll be choosing the matches for today's assignment though." A collective groan echoed, only making Aizawa Sensei frown more.

He began calling out names, but I didn't pay much attention.

"Bakugo and Midoriya."

My blood went cold.

'I can't fight him! Not ever! I won't hurt him!'

I shook as we all walked out to the sparring field, asphalt beneath our feet. My fingers became ice cold, numb.

A cold sweat started to make me feel sick to my stomach. I bit my lip as not to look afraid.


When it was time for us to spare, I shakily walked into the drawn circle. Whoever that was thrown out of it or surrendered lost.

I watched as Izuku walked towards me. He looked hesitant, but determined. He would do anything to become a hero. I didn't feel angry at all though.

Aizawa Sensei snapped his fingers and announced, "Begin."

Izuku took a step towards me but I didnt move. Inhaling, I looked him right in the eyes and said, "I refuse."

A collective huh went around as everyone became confused.

My lip quivered but I calmly said, "I won't hurt you anymore. I've already done enough." I walked out of the circle,ultimately losing the match and getting a bad grade. That was better than hurting him.


Back in the dorms, I laid on my bed as I waited for dinner. My stomach growled and I tried to fall asleep for a bit.

I thought back to earlier. I just couldn't bring myself to fight him. Never again.

A knock at the door woke me from my clouded mind. Groaning, I slid off my bed and hobbled over to the door. I pulled my door open, barely peeking around it.

It was Izuku.

I pulled him into my room and kicked the door shut. I pulled him into a hug and said, "I missed you." I definitely needed a hug, considering that I was being haunted by my own stupidity.

He hugged me tightly and asked, "What happened today? You didnt want to do the hero training." I sat him down on my bed and muttered, "I have hurt you too much already. If I were to put a single scratch on you again, who knows what I'd do to myself."

My stomach rumbled and it made me feel sick. "Kacchan, are you starving yourself again?" Knowing that I would get a good lecturing either way, I nodded slightly.

Hero training took up my mind most of the time. I felt weak, and training was the only way to combat that feeling. Eating became less often until it was no more again.

I needed to change the subject so I gazed into his eyes. "I know I might not be able to fix what I've already done. I guess I can still try." I smiled a bit, feeling my chest ache. "I love you Izuku. And I will fix what I broke." Thankfully, he seemed to forget.

I kissed him slowly and gently. His lips were so soft, indescribably sweet. I tangled my fingers in his hair and he did the same. He wrapped his arms over my shoulders, pulling me down to his level.

How could I ever want to hurt him? This beautiful, kind, sweet, happy guy. Every touch was gentle, cautious almost. Like my body didn't want to hurt him even. I just wanted to love him. And to be loved by him.

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