Bakudeku headcanons cause I'm lazy

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This is just to fill in between the last chapter and the next one. Also, these are my opinions and you don't have to agree.

-bakugo would have an eating disorder because he puts eating below all other things and also because of the slime villain, he feels like everytime he eats, the villain has come back. (The first part is something that I have a problem with but I'm fine, I just have a hate-love relationship with food)
-Deku would really be cautious of what he eats because of his allergy and Bakugou would check everything he cooks for him just in case
-the two now train together though they do it privately as not to be caught by anyone else.
-they prefer to sleep in Bakugo's room cause they feel a bit awkward when Izuku's All Might posters stare at them
-bakugo is always the big spoon and will make sure that he covers as much of Izuku as he can because he subconsciously thinks that the villains are still after him and he wants to protect Izuku
-before Bakugo goes to sleep, he locks his dorm door, balcony door and even ties his curtains shut because it makes him feel more safe
-Bakugo gets extreme cramps in his shoulders after too much time in his hero outfit cause his gauntlets are super heavy so Izuku will massage his shoulders, which makes Bakugo fall asleep.
-Bakugo doesn't really care for singing but he has a soothing voice. I think his mom would sing to him to get him to calm down as a child as well as by wrapping him in some sort of blanket or her arms, which now makes him calm down immediately if you do that to him.
-Bakugo will rewrite his notes each night because he gets too tired to actually study
-Izuku is very self conscious of his scars which only makes Bakugo want to kiss them even more
-Somenights, Bakugo will stay up until the morning because he hears the voices of the LOV in his head but doesn't tell Izuku because he doesn't want him to get worried.  He would also sleep in little bits because he gets scared of nightmares.
-Bakugo loves the smell of petrichor because it reminds him of mountain climbing
-Bakugo thinks that Izuku is too good for him and that he doesn't deserve him

Just a crazy headcanon I have:

-because Bakugo goes to sleep so early, when he gets tired, he would go to his room and as soon as he sees his bed, he just conks out and folds like a lawnchiar, falling onto his floor and sleeps there the whole night.

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