How do I say this?💚

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My heart pounded, causing some sort of serious case of amnesia, my memory of how to breath, forgotten entirely. I could feel a blush creeping across my cheeks, and I hated it. I probably looked like Dumb Hair's spiky mop.

There was so much I wanted to say-that I needed to say. I had always feared a moment this, as everyone normally does, but I would never have guessed that I would be confessing how I felt to Izuku of all people.

It was mind boggling right up till now.

"My mind has been all over the place lately and...well, I don't know what to think anymore." My throat felt scratchy and it hurt to breathe.

I grabbed the bottle of water sitting on my nightstand, fiddling with the cap until I finally popped it off. Taking a sip, I stole a glance at him, panicking when I saw his head slowly tilt.

Slowly suffocating in my own thoughts, I tried to follow it up. "It feels like you are the only one who can make me feel - hell - that even wants to make me feel safe."

Rambling on, my words blended in with eachother, hardly making any sense to me, much less to him.

"For some reason, I'm like really happy right now and I'm not usually like that, but I don't understand why I'm this content. For the longest time now, I've not been feeling like myself- like someone completely new. It's so weird because I can't hardly even think around you. You're just so...."

Laughing at my ridiculousness, I wiped my now watering eyes, voice quavering as I tried to explain myself. "And now I'm fucking crying all the time and I don't know why. I'm not even sad half the damn time." Sighing, I scrunched my nose, trying to stop my tears.

Cheeks flourishing again, I rambled. "But...I really think I'm-" My hand was quick to cover my mouth, eyes widening as i heard my own words - ones that I could never say. I'd never been able to say that to anyone. Not even my parents.

I mean, I've never known how that really feels, so how could I claim that without any sort of prior experience? And even if this was really it, a strong and true feeling, how would I even tell him, much less explain it?

A pang of guilt came back to bite me, reminding me of my sins. I had just stolen something that was probably very important to him, not mentioning the fact that he probably thought it was absolutely disgusting and repulsive. I still couldn't believe that I had just done such a thing.

The most i wanted to do with him was to treat him better. I wanted to protect him, make him happier than he had been since the Kamino incident. I didn't want to feel his rejection and anger. And i wanted to kiss him again- DAMN did i want to kiss him.

Everything about him was on point- perfection if i must say. Every little bit of his appearance was a wonderful show, from the little locks of hair that curled around his cheeks to the one cowlick in his left eyebrow. Even his hands were perfect, his scars making no difference.

His personality is to die for. He is so fucking smart and so damn observant that I wouldn't be surprised if he were to know exactly when it should start raining on a spring day. His kindness was like a sticky sugar candy that you just couldn't get rid of, and it made your soul feel a bit sweeter too. Not to mention his heroic aspect.

I couldn't imagine him without being somewhat serious and stoic. It only made him more wonderful in my sight.

It's obviously the easiest thing on earth to fall head over heels for him. There were already thirteen girls who tried to confess to him this year.

I wanted to be in love with him, just personality at first, but then to fall in love with his body once i knew we shared the same feelings. I guess I should say that if I knew we shared our feelings.

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