All about my boi Zachary

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So Zachary is Recovery Girl's assistant and a former student at UA.

Ever since he was little, he wanted to be a hero, but his quirk couldn't help with that dream. His quirk is Emotion Bending which means that he can change someone's current emotion to whatever he wants it to be. This actually lead to his negative relationship with his mother who pretty much kicked him out after he was in his second year at UA.

He had very little control over his quirk as a child and would use it on anybody that he touched. Accidentally, he touched his mother, suddenly causing her to go into a state of extreme fear of him. Since then, she has viewed him as a monster and is still terrified of him even though his quirk is not in effect.

Though he knew that he would have a small chance of getting into the hero course, he trained vigorously for the entrance exams at UA. He went to the exams and utterly failed the practical portion, only being able to rescue a few examiners. He did pass the other exam very greatly and was accepted into general studies. He did not give up hope though and begged for the teachers to reconsider his position in general studies.

For a long time, he tried to prove himself worthy of being a hero, but they still turned his request down. Recovery Girl recognized his potential and suggested that he assist her after he graduated. Since he was very intelligent and was able to change someones emotions, she gave him the title of being a mental health counselor and her assistant.

Sadly, he did give up on his dream of being a hero, but he feels as though his job at UA is close enough. He views Recovery Girl as a mother figure since his birth mother despised him and he sees the current teachers as good friends.

Zachary is 23, 6ft exactly, has long dark brown hair with a dyed purple streak, and violet eyes. He was born in Japan to an American father and a Japanese mother. His father is no longer alive and died when Zachary was only a baby.

Zachary is happily married to his wife Yua and is a soon to be father. Because Zachary worries about his wife alot, his stress is often projected onto others without him knowing.

He is a very friendly and kind guy who can be shy at times. Over all, Zachary is a good guy who will put others before himself no matter what.

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