Hold me closer💚

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Classes became less and less eventful, our time spent in review. Exams were quickly approaching and everyone was stuck in study groups. We hardly had much time to train or relax, anxiety built up in the dorms quickly.

It was all gone when a heavy snowfall came. Five inches of powder covered everything. I half expected for classes to be cancelled until i saw some guy with a fire quirk melting the snow on the walkways.

Everyone got an email that classes would resume the next day, causing for a rush of students to run outside in order to have fun in the snow before classes started up tomorrow. I wanted to for a moment but then I remembered that my explosions wouldnt work as well outside and that Recovery Girl would obliterate me if i fell ill from being outside.

I noticed that the places where my ribs poked out previously were beginning to fill back in, a bit of muscle coming back. I exercised in my room, finally able to go harder and faster.

Things seemed to be going better, though when good things come, the worst is soon to follow.

I got an email from Recovery Girl, detailing my visit to her next week. She wanted to see how i was doing and would decide whether i should be put back on tube or not. I knew she'd put it in again.

Once i got to the dorm, i went up to my room, tossing my bag towards me desk and taking off my jacket. I threw it somewhere, careless as to where it landed.

With a grateful sigh, i flopped onto my bed, face down, my fingers digging into my sheets. I had been so tired from the night before, some suprise assignments from all of the teachers taking up most of my night. It seemed like i could hear coughing and sneezing in all directions, from the idiots who got colds after dilly dallying in the snow.

Right next to my room, a string of sneezes went off. Dumb Hair got a cold of course. He thought it was the best idea to go outside without his shirt on and then to let the other idiots cover him in snow as though they were on a beach. I almost felt bad for him, being that he had the worst of it all; he could hardly get out of bed.

My condolences came in the form of a bowl of soup i had sent up by Pikachu. I didn't get much of a thanks.

I set my phone up on the top of my bed, only after setting an alarm for 30 minutes. I still had things to do, but a bit of rest would do me better.

I expected to sleep fine and not have any sort of aches once i woke up later. I was wrong.


I was encircled by darkness, dim shapes spread around me. Hands reached out, the figures inching closer. Voices spoke, not much more than muffled growls. I couldnt even hardly see myself, the tiniest bit of light coming from what looked like a hole in a ceiling.

The pressure from familiar bindings felt like it was crushing my arms and my chest. I desired to run, to do something in order to get out of there. Instead of the feeling of escaping like the first time i was stuck with these freaks, i was stuck. Unable to move.

The voices began to clear, i now knrw exactly who was where. Behind me, a hand grasped my neck, holding me hard. From the increasing heat coming from it, I knew that this was that purple bitch, Dabi.

Something cold found its place at my throat, its sharp edge pricking my skin. A high pitched giggle pierced my ears. My breath was starting to become unsteady, the shreds of calm i had were dying out. It was just like before...

Now Shigaraki would be coming.

And just like I expected, a gnarled hand came out of the darkness, nearing my face. My body screamed out, a muffled noise all i could manage. I wanted to blow him to bits so bad. I wanted to see him dead.

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