Let Me Go!

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I sat in a new room now. It had teal walls and a matching teal and dark blue bed. I at on my bed still crying ugly sobs taking raspy breaths in between. When ever I tried to calm down I though of Koya and my family and I started to sub again. I replayed the phone call with Koya. He agreed... I was engaged? To Koya....... Today was one of the most emotionally challenging days I've ever had. I sniffled and grabbed a handful of tissues Jackson had brought me. I blew my noes and walked over to the window wanting to get some sun. I drew back the curtains and sighed. I had forgotten. Fissility five was underground. Suddenly the idea of being underground for who knows how many miles deep I started to grasp for air. I felt like I was some how squished into a small box. I stared to cough eventually I cought my breath but my face was red. I looked around the room their was a TV a computer and an iPhone charger for my phone. I walked over to the TV and flicked it on. I looked at the channels the only available channels were news channels. I clicked some Japanese new channel that reminded me of Fox New. The minute I clicked the channel I wished I hadn't. There on try screen was Koya we was smiling at the camera as he talked to a talk show host. A picture of me different from the one on the flyers was in try corner of the screen. It was a picture of me laughing. My pearl white teeth sparkled and my eyes were closed I kinda looked like a doll. "So let me get this straight..." The host said as the picture popes up of a screen behind him and Koya. "The day you got engaged to this young lady here." he says pointing to my picture. " She was kidnapped?" Koya looks over at my blown up photo. H looked sad and depressed as if he hadn't had sleep in days. My heart ached slightly as I watch. I was clutching the remote control, my knuckles were turning white and my fingers were turning stiff. But I didn't let go. I leaned forward toward the TV watching. "Yes, her names Zoey Gold, last night she called me..... I tried to find out were she was but she said she couldn't tell." Koya says weakly wearing a flimsy smile. "Would you mind telling us what she told you in the one call?" The host asked leaning toward Koya sensing a good story. "She told me how she was happy about agreeing to the engagement and told me her family might be in danger. She spent the only chance she had to get an easy rescue on making sure that her family was and would stay safe." Koya answered a distance look in his eyes. The host whistled as things started getting interesting. "So when is the wedding surly you had already starting planing." the host urges. Koya sighs as if picturing something that could now never happen. "It was supposed to be four months from this day." Koya replies. The host gets a sorrowful look on his face. "Now, Koya. If Ms. Gold was watching this right now.... what would you say to her?" The host asks. I could tell this was his finial question. Koya looked at the camera sorrowful. I ran to the screen and placed a hand on the screen, wishing I could jump through the screen. "Zoey, if you can hear me I want you to know I will find you. I promise and when I do we'll get this mess figured out. Until then, stay strong." Koya gets up after saying this and leaves the crowed cheering. The camera turned to the crowed and I saw signs with pictures of me with the words "Find Zoey!" Or "Bring back Zoey!" But one persons poster stood out. It was had pictures of my family members. Each photo had a solo picture of own of my family members. It formed a circle around one large photo at the center. It was a picture of Koya with my family. He must have went to me meet them personify and requested a picture with them. Above the picture was the words "Return Zoey Home!" I looked at the owner of the poster and it was all the host club members Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi, Mori and even little Hunni. I paused the Tv and took a picture. I them I unpaused the video and the Camera quickly swiped across over everyone one last time and they played to commercial. I turned off the TV. I sobbed and then small amounts of fury built inside me. I ran to the door. I jiggled the nob. Locked. I started banging on the door. "LET ME OUT! JACKSON! JACKSON! LET ME OUT! I WANT TO SEE MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY AGAIN! DAMN IT LET ME OUT! I cried a sob escaping here and there I continued to do this until the door was unlocked I steeped back expecting Jackson to step in. But instead the interrogator steeped in holding a needle and smiling. "Where's Jackson?!" I stuttered. The man smiles again "Aaa, yes Jackson, He will still watch over you. Devoted he is to you. Anyway, We didn't trust him to treat you with more force which is necessary when the hostage it fighting back. So I volunteered!" The man explains
"But I'm impressed Jackson was able to keep you calm for so long. In the time you've been here. About five of your other hostages have started fighting back. Of course it's understandable, to fight back, especially you, being engaged to a rich young man must be nice, no? And your friends and family are so desperate to find you! Especially your ,sadly, once was soon to be husband. Now what was his name?" The man coaxes. "His names Koya!" I scream at him "And I'm going to get out of here eventually!" I scream angrily. The man chuckles. He grabs me. I scream. But he picks me up like a rag doll and holds me in a strong grip. He then inserts the needle into me and my knees go weak and my vision blurs. the man lets me go and I stubble to the floor He laughs as he watches me. I bump into a wall as I try to get up. The man lights harder. "Poor thing, the drugs didn't seem to be enough!" The man says through laughs. "Shut Up!" I snap falling again. He laughs even harder "You've got spunk! I like that! You've become one on my every limited sources of entertainment." he says walking to me. I try to scramble away but he grabs me by the hair causing me to cry out in pain. "Ops did I pull out that pretty blonde hair of yours?" The man say in my face. Before I could answer I feel a sharp pain in my gut. "W-What did you do?!" I mumble the last of my energy leaving my body. "Why I punched you the drugs weren't working so I improvised." The man jokes throwing me on my bed as I black out.

Zoey A OHSHC Fanfic (Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now