The Ourna Host Club...

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I walk out of my last class as I talk to a new kid I made friends with . "So Haruhi......" I say to my new friend as she cracks a study book opens and walks down the hall depending on me to stop anyone from bumping into her. I sigh as I realize she just wanted to study. "Hay Haruhi, can you help me study?" I ask just wanting to spend time with her. She looks up at me and and smiles "Sure." She says happily. We pass a music room and I grab her arm "What?!" She asks as I hank her toward the door of the music room. "We can study in here it seams quite." I say. Haruhi rolls her eyes "What if someone's in that music room playing some instrument, it is a music room." She says we both go quite and listen for any noise from the music room. "See!" I say pointing to the door as a minutes passes and nothing happens "We can go in it's perfect for studying! Besides I don't think the school even has a band or orchestra or even a chore." I continue. Haruhi sighs "Fine lets go in." she says giving up. I give a cheerful squeal and turn to grab my book from my backpack to see my backpack gone. I shriek and turn toward Haruhi "Go on inside I left my backpack at our last class." Haruhi sighs and nodes "Be back in a min." I say and I run off as I hear Haruhi walk in and the door closing behind her. I run down the empty halls and scan the room numbers my eye catches room E3 and I rush in and look at my desk to see my bag on the chair of my desk. I rush over to it and open it and scan it quickly and sigh in relief as I see all my school supplies inside. I throw my bag over my shoulder and run back to the music room. I stop in my tracks as I see a large group of girls in Ouran school uniforms gathered in the hall blocking my way to the music room. I push through the crowd of girls and relize they were all waiting to go into the music room. I reach the music room door and don't hesitate as I slam through the doors and walk in not caring about what I might be interrupting. As I walk in the girls behind me flood in. The first thing I spot as I walk in is a group of about six boys my eyes examine them. The first boy to catch my eyes is a short young boy with blond hair and large chocolate brown eyes wearing the school uniform eating a large piece of cake. Standing next to him was a tall poker faced boy with black hair and dark brown eyes also wearing a school uniform. The next boy to catch my eye was a tall handsome blond haired boy with bright violet eyes he had a weird over cheerful presents and I huge grin on his face. Standing near him were a pair of twins that I actually knew one was Hikaru Hitachiin and the other was Kaoru Hitachin. They are both in my classes and are really close they both looked exactly like each other with their identical light brown almost Carmel hair and tan like eyes. My eyes trail to a figure next to them and my jaw almost drops as I see Koya. His back was to the others and he was writing in a small black book. I open my mouth to speak to him about to demand what was going on and were was Haruhi as at least one hundred girls run right over me and rush to the six boys. I hear voices fly and pick up lines ring my ears. "You should be more carful, our visitors can be a little ruthless." I hear Koya's voice say as he takes my hands and lifts me up. I give him a smile and thank him as I feel the glares of at least twenty girls. I look around and I spot Haruhi in a chair as the blond haired boy with the bright violet eyes talks to her. I give Koya a stare angrily as I see announce spread across Haruhi's face. "What?!" Koya asks as he notices my stare. "Why are you torturing poor Haruhi?" I ask him. Koya looks over to Haruhi and sighs. "He had come in to study but ended up braking a very valuable vase that the school was going to sell at a up coming sell." Koya says smugly I punch him in the shoulder angrily. Koya rolls his shoulders and mumbles teasingly "Your not very strong are you?" I punch him in the arm again as I do a couple of girls gasp and yell at me angrily I roll my eyes at them. I start to walk toward Haruhi as I decide to save her but stop as Koya's words repeat in my head I look over my shoulder at him. "Hay Koya." I say. Koya looks up from is black book and looks at me "Yes?" He asks "By the way Haruhi is a girl." I say and I wipe my head back to Haruhi who is now being dragged away to the back of the music room by the twins. I run off after them as Koya ponders over the new information about Haruhi. I run into the back of the music room to see the twins being kicked out of a changing room. They stumbled out of the changing room and look at each other most likely surprised to learn Haruhi was a girl. I sigh as they look up at me eyebrows raised "What are you doing here?" One of the twins I believe Kaoru asked curiously. "I came for Haruhi! I leave her for one minute!" I snap and complain to the twins. The twins smile evilly as they see I'm annoyed. I take a step back as I see mischief gleaming in their eyes. They take a step forward toward me their smiles growing. I immediately recognize the gleaming eyes and smiles they were the a same expressions the twins Piper and Camryn got when they pulled pranks on me. I could tell with out even knowing Kaoru and Hikaru that they were planning something and I didn't want to stick around to find out so I run for it. I run out of the changing room and run toward Koya as the twins speedily follow me. I panic as they gain ground on me and I reach Koya and hide behind him. Koya looks up as he hears me shriek for help. The twins stop in their tracks as they see Koya in their way. Koya looks back and forth between me and the twins not sure what's going one. Me and the twins stare at each other as we wait to see what Koya does. Koya opens is mouth as the blond hair and violet eyed boy walks over curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "Whats going on here." He asks as he takes in the scene. The twins look toward him and point to me. "She came looking for Haruhi." The twins say in sink as if I was in trouble I roll my eyes and stick my tough at then they do the same back and I turn away. The blond haired boy turns to me and opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted as we all hear footstep and the familiar voice of Haruhi say "What's going on?" Koya, the twins and the violet eyed boy turn to Haruhi. We all stare at her as she comes out of the changing room wearing a boys school uniform and contacts instead of her glasses. "You look so cute!" Shrieks the violet eyed boy as he runs over to her and picks her up twirling her in the air. "Let me down Tamaki-Sempia!" Haruhi yells. Tamaki sets her down and looks her up and down "It's official starting today you will become a host to pay off your eight million yen debt." Tamaki announces happily. I rise a eyebrow confused as Haruhi yells angrily in objection. Did Tamaki know that Haruhi is a girl? I decide to take action and walk up to Tamaki. He turns toward me and smiles at me. I stare him straight in the eyes and say "You do know that Haruhi...... is a girl....right?" I ask as Tamaki's eyes widen. As Tamaki processes this information the twins walk over and laugh as they see Tamaki's face. "Looks like the boss found out." Kaoru says between laughs "Took him long enough." I mumble as Tamaki puts him self back to together. Suddenly Koya steps in "Haruhi's gender doesn't matter, as long as no one finds out she's a girls she can continue to be a host to return her debt." he says as he pushes his glasses off the brim of his noes. I open my mouth to argue as the school bell rings. Tamaki sighs and turn to all the girls as they talk and eat sweets with the remaining hosts. "I'm sorry my Princesses but I believe it's time to go." He says as groans and complaints fill the room. But even so the girls start to get up an leaves and in five minutes the music room is completely empty. I look toward the host club and sigh as the blond haired and brown eyes little boy and poker faced black haired and brown eyes boy join the group. "I guess that means that I oh you guys too." I say as I realize the eight million debt thing was partially my fault. I'm the one who had told Haruhi to go in and as a result the vase broke. Koya looks over to me a eyebrow raised "How so?" He asks as I gain all the hosts attention "It was my idea to come in here, I told Haruhi to go on in with out me because I had to grab something. Next thing I know I learn Ouran as a host club." I say. "Well then, you can be the host clubs maid." Koya says smugly. I turn toward him and see a deadly serious look on his face. I cross my arms stubbornly and say angrily "No way in hell Sempia." Koya looks at me anger gleaming in his eyes. "Do you have a better suggestion?" He asks. I sigh as no ideas come to my head "Fine!" I snap at him as I give in. "How long do I have to be a your maid?" I hiss as Koya smirks in victory "As long as Haruhi is a host club member." Koya answers. I sign in frustration and nod. As the hosts start to gather their things and leave.

Zoey A OHSHC Fanfic (Editing & Revising)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora