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I pulled away from Koya still feeling shocked that he had found me. "What are you doing here?" I asked I looked him up and down he looked well rested unlike when I saw him on TV. He wore a bullet prof vest and had a smaller one in his hand. "I came to rescue you, now put thins on quick." Koya says hurriedly looking over at the group of officers that had gathered around Leroy and handing me the small vest. I grab it and slip it on adjusting the straps and clipping any clips. Koya grabs my hand suddenly and pulls me behind him protectively. "Koya...? What is it?" I ask I look up at this face curiously he looks ferocious a scowl from on his lips and his eyes are burning with a deep hatred. I follow is eye sight and shiver slight as a figure passes the figure bruised, beat up, and blood but you could tell that it was Leroy. He walks past me and Koya as he does he spots me being protected by Koya me looking over his shoulders. Leroy and me make eye contact he glares at me and in a split second try's to lung at me. I scream and retreat behind Koya. My eyes shut tight. I hear Leroy laugh in pleaser. I slowly open eye at a time to see the police had stopes Leroy mid lung and had dragged him to the floor. I stared at Leroy as he was cuffed and held down. Suddenly I felt a hand slip into my own hand. I looked over and saw that Koya was the one holding my hand. Our finger intertwined tightly and I felt as if I was one step closer to getting a normal life again. I looked up at Koya and gave a closed eye smile, I was so happy I couldn't help but smile. Koya smiled back and he started to drag me me through the exit door. As we did a elevator stood I don't of us. We walked inside and pushed the button that read "top" and we shot up. In second we were on the roof of a building. Me and Koya walked out not saying anything. I nudged Koya towards the edge of the building and we looked up at the sky. Strangely it was night and and the stars shown bright. I lean into Koya's chest looking out into the bright night sky. I search the sky for a certain constellation. "Look." I say happily pointing out the Scorpio constellation. "It's the Scorpio constellation!" I say looking at the pattern of stars, so glade that I could see them once again. I could feel Koya looking down at me and I hear him chuckle. I look up at him "What?" I ask . "You look like a little kid at the toy store." Koya says a small smile speeding across his lips. I could feel my face slowly turning red and I look down at the ground awkwardly, not knowing at to answer back. Seeing this Koya chuckled agin. Suddenly he raps one of his arms around my waist and pulls me closer toward him. I look up at him surprised by actions. I open my mouth about to ask if he was ok when I feel something stop me causing me to close my mouth. I'm shocked to realize that Koya had kissed me. This was my first kiss and it wasn't what I thought it would be like. His kisses were light and passionate. After a moment of shock I have him a light kiss and he pulled away. I stared at him still slightly shocked by his bold actions. "Welcome back." Koya said a smile on him face. I smiled back and looked up at the night sky. "Koya," I say giving him a side glance. "Yes?" He asks "Thank you, for saving me, but I have to warn you.This wont be that last time that I get into trouble. There are a few things that I doubt won't come eventually." I say back quietly. Koya shifted his weight uneasily. "What do you mean?" He asks worriedly. "I still need to learn who burned my old house, and what happened to Jackson for the time we though he had died. Thinking about it now I doubt dad's crash was an accident." I answer terrified as I realize that someone has be targeting me. Or at least I think me, they've killed mom, dad and took Jackson. "Koya, I'm sorry, but I have to figure all this out. My family's in danger and less importantly I am to." I explain to Koya. I feel Koya ran an arm around me once again and I look up at him I see pure determination in his eyes. "I'll be here for you Zoey." Koya whispers in my ear.
Authors Note
😃Thanks everyone!!! This is the end of the book!!! But don't worry I plan on making a second book!! I hope you enjoyed and I hoped you liked my ending this the first complete book I'll have. Anyway thanks again and keep a eye out for the seconds book! 😃

Zoey A OHSHC Fanfic (Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now