The Interogator

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Jackson walks me inside, or more like dragged me, into a tall skyscraper. I could hear the heals of my combat boots scratch against the marble tile. Making me want to cover my ears. Jackson laughs at me as he drags me into a nearby room. "This isn't funny, were are we going?" I wail as I quickly become annoyed. I don't get a response from Jackson and I look up at him and I could see fear and worry shining brightly in his eyes and I feel my stomach drop. "Thats right, this is a kidnapping." I mumble shocked at how carefree I had felt just seconds ago. As I say this I'm dragged into a dark hall way. I cling to Jackson's sleeve as we walk through the dark hall way each time we pass a door or window I flinch. Afraid something or someone would jump out at me. Jackson suddenly stop at a door and opens it quickly, in a flash I find myself thrown into a small metal table I look around and realize it was a interrogating room like the ones at police stations. I turn toward the door and slam on it turning the knob wildly. I look up into the window in the door tears in my eyes. I see Jackson staring at me, Tears drip down my check as I feel alone. I turn away from Jackson angry with him when I hear him mumble "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." I turn toward him again tears still dripping down my face. I lean in on the window my hands griping the edges of the window "Jackson! Get me out! Please!" Jackson looks me in the eyes and I pled back. He sighs and pops out a phone I watch him carefully. He dials a few numbers and puts the phone to his ear. Who ever he was calling answered right away.
"Hello? Jackson?! Did you get the girl!"
"Yes" Jackson mumbles
"Fantastic! I need you to assign her a body guard to make sure she doesn't escape!" Says an unknown voice frantically
"I'll be the bodyguard, she knows me and will be more comfortable if I'm around instead of a stranger." Jackson says quickly
"Very well, Is she in a cell?"
"Yes sir"
"Which cell?"
"Cell 3"
"I'm sending someone over to interrogate her. After that take her to a open room close to yours. Understood?"
"Yes...." Jackson say distantly and he hangs up.
The minute the phone was put a way in his pocket a man appears from around the corner. He was tan and tall wearing a black suit with most likely the most horrifying tie I've ever seen. The man walks in Jackson rushing after him. Once Jackson had made it inside he closed the door and silence surrounded us as me and the man starred at each other. Nervousness twisted inside me as his sunglasses covered eyes pierced right through me. It felt like he was looking right into my soul. Suddenly theirs a flash of movement and the man slams me onto the table. I scream out in pain as my stab wound suddenly decided to be noticed. I curl on fingers around my wound and feel stale blood on my shirt. I shiver. I hunch over as the man slams me into the chair closet. I hear the man sit in the second seat across from me. " What do you know about the death of your mother!" The interrogator growl spit flying in my face as I look up. As I hear is words I pale "O God" My shoulders start to tremble. I feel more tears stream down my check. Apparently this wasn't the response the interrogated wanted because me grabbed my shirt collar and life's me over the table so he was in my face. "Your coming with me!!" He growls and drags me over the table causing the glass of water on the metal table to fall and shatter onto the floor. Unfortunately this happened so fast the Interrogated hade no time to tried to avoid the glass, not that he would try to. And I scream so loud it echo's throughout the room and the hall. As I'm dragged across the broken sharp glass, causing my dagger wounds to become even deeper. Silence follows as the interrogator drops me to the floor. I'm to busy wincing and whimpering in pain as I clutch my wound feeling the warm blood flow into my fingers to stop the interrogator from tiring up my hands and duck taping my mouth. As I'm picked up and dragged again the pain becomes unbearable and I lose consciousness.

Zoey A OHSHC Fanfic (Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now