The Fire

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We all sit in the huge living room as mom brings in hot coco on top was a sprinkle of cinnamon with three fluffy marshmallows flouting under a pile wipe cream. She hands me a cup and I breath in the fresh smell. Once every one gets a cup and become comfortable we all turn toward Jason. It's dead silent for a few moments. I can't stand the tension and give in and ask the question everyone was thinking "Jason," I say he doesn't make eye contact with me but nose contact as he looks up from his coco "What happened? Three mouths ago the police said you died in a car crash." I say the question seamed to echo throw the house and Jason looks like he might just walk away and leave but he just sighed and brushed his hand throw his hair. "I don't no what happened I just woke up on the side walk of some highway." He replied sounding confused I squinted my eyes at him. I knew my brother well he was only two years older then me and I knew when he was lying to me, this was one of those times. I didn't push him as Camryn burst into tears and ran over to him squeezing him in a hug. I kinda felt bad for Jason I mean what happened to him must have been bad of he wouldn't tell me. And I couldn't imagine the guilt he was carrying as Camryn cried in his lap. No one ever made Camryn cry. Jason looked at every one for help and she clung to him. Piper walked over and nudged her in the shoulder Camryn stopped crying and looked up at Piper who was smiling down on her. Camryn sniffled and smiled back as Jason looked back and fort between the two surprised. I smile as I remember he wasn't here the last three months. "They got really close sins you..... left" I mouth to him me nodes and goes back too looking at the two "Camryn changed a lot, before I left she was always carrying a bag of candy with her every were she went." he mouths back to me. Piper then pulls out of her dress pocket the thing that never fails to cheer up Camryn a piece of candy more specifically a Milky Way bar. Camryn's face lights up and she jumps out of Jason's lap trying to snatch the candy. Piper jumps back and waved the bar in front of Camryn it barley out of her reach. We all watch, Piper was playing a dangerous game. "Bet you can't catch me!" Piper says playfully as she spins around like a ballerina and runs up the stairs. Camryn laughs and rushes after her as she turns a corner and disappears. Camryn quickly runs up the stairs and disappears as well. Jason turns his head back to me once Camryn was gone and said not sounding surprised at all. "Never mind, she didn't grow out of the sugar tooth." I laugh as he leans back into the couch across from me and jumps as a loud "CRASH!" comes from upstairs. "O dear!" Says mom getting up "What did they break this time?" I say with a light laugh. "Now that I think of it I don't think Camryn took her ADHD medication pill today." says mom worriedly. A other crash rings through the house. "Julia dear, come with me please to check up on the girls." Julia groans and looks over at mom."Why can't Zoey come with you? She's better with the monsters!" Julia pouts. Jason laughs as mom drags her away. I look over at Jason as they turn the corner an other crash happening as they do. I open my mouth about to ask Jason what really happened as the doorbell goes off I give a annoyed look toward the door and get up. "ZOEY CAN YOU GET THE DOOR!" Shouts mom as I reach it "I GOT IT." I shout back "DONT YELL IN THE HOUSE ZOEY THATS UNLADYLIKE!" She replies. I roll my eyes and hear Jason sinker. As I open the door, I hold back a gasp as I see a young girl with a lighter stand in front of me. She had red hair and wore all back she had a sword attacked to her belt and had black-red-and brown like eyes. I give him a nervous smile "Can I help you?" I ask the girl an evil smile spreads across her face and she shakes her head. In that moment Jason walks up to the door and looks over my shoulder me nudges me a little and stands in the doorway with me "Hay I know you! Your the kid of ...." Jason says getting cut off as the little girls eyes widen and she throws the lighter inside my house catching my wooden house on fire. I look over my shoulder and see a small fire starting I wipe my head back towards the kid "Hay what do you think your...." I say and stop as I see no one in front of me "Shit!" I think as I slam the door I look back to the fire and gasp as I see how much it had spread. I looked wildly around for Jason as I notice was gone I see him with mom, Julia, and Piper as they rush down the stairs toward the back door. I run over to them and we all rush out back door. I see the house start to crumble and feel my pockets for my phone I have a mini heart attack as I don't feel anything I check my back pockets and sigh in relief as I feel my phone in my back pocket. Pull it out and start to dial 911 Jason walks over and stops me. "I already called 911 they should be here soon." He says calmly I open my mouth to ask how he could be so calm when a scream comes from behind us. I turn around to see Piper freaking out mom grips her shoulder "What is it honey?" She asks her "C-Camryn, she's inside!!!!" Wails Piper tears staining her face and she ran toward the door Julia jumps at her and holds her down "It's to dangerous to go in!" Julia said and Piper thrashed in her arms "CAMRYN CANT DIE!! GO GET CAMRYN, SHE CANT DIE!" Piper wails again. I turn toward mom about to ask what we should do and see her running inside. I rush to follow her this like Jason holding me down "NO, JASON YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. MOM'S ALL WE GOT LEFT OTHER THEN EACH OTHER! DAD DIED SHORTLY AFTER YOU LEFT, MOM CANT DIE. JULIA, CAMRYN AND PIPER WILL BE SENT INTO THE FOSTER SYSTEM!" I scream at him I feel Jason loosen his grip as he hears this and I rip away I run to the back door and stop as I see two figures approaching. Mom and Camryn appear beside me. They both caught and wheeze. Mom falls to the floor "MOM!" Camryn shouts as she rushes over, but Camryn doesn't make it in time. As she reaches mom, mom puts her lips to Camryn's ears and whispers one last thing Camryn hugs her as she says this and then mom goes limp onto Camryn. Camryn cradles mom as Piper runs over to Camryn and hugs her crying as she see's mom. I rush over and put ear to mind chest tears stream down my face as I cup moms face and cry "S-She's dead!" I wail and scream as the distance sound of firetrucks gets louder.

Zoey A OHSHC Fanfic (Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now