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I sit their in my own blood as I hear the words "Or she dies!" Ring in my ears. Tears swell in my eyes. How useless am I? Once again my life's put on the line! And I can't do anything about it. When will my past stop haunting me..... When will I be safe?! I look over to the man who holds me tightly against his chest as he holds a dagger to my throat. He had short sandy blond hair and bright blue eyes. He looked familiar but I couldn't place why. "I know you..." I say in a whisper. The boy looks over to me a cocky smile on his face. He presses his lips to my ears "Don't worry I won't kill you, But I might have to scratch you up a little." Even though I should be shaking with fear I feel my checks heat up as I realize how handsome he was. All I hear as a response is a light laugh. I look at the host club and plead for help with my eyes. They all just stair at me still shocked at the death threat. The boy slowly rises from the ground dragging me up with him. No one says anything as I'm dragged away. I'm shocked when I'm thrown into the back of a truck. The minute I'm released into the car free from the sharp dagger I start to bang on the door wildly not thinking to try and get out through the passenger seat as the boy opens the drivers seat door and hops in. I still bang on the back passengers seat door and window as I yell angrily "Let me out!" All I get is a long dragged out sigh as the car engines starts. I wipe my head toward the boy as he clears his throat looking at me through the little mirror between the front two seats. "What do you want!" I hiss my tone dripping with venom. That boy laughs "Their are many things I want. Would you like me to list them?" I scowl "What do you want with me!" I growl
"Now that's much more specific."
"Answer the question!"
The boy squints his eyes at me through the mirror suspiciously. "That's non of your business." is all he says as he looks away and continues to drive. "What's stoping me from calling 911?" I say waving my phone teasingly in the air, making a point to keep it just out of hands reach incase he lungs for it. The boy looks at me again as I successfully catch his attention. "Aren't you curious to see why I went through so much trouble to get you?" He asks a smile twisting his lips as he knows he's right. I push my phone into my pocket " Your not even going to take it?" I ask teasingly "You really suck at keeping a girl hostage, don't you?" The boy rolls his eyes. "Your not a hostage when you agree to stay." he answers back. "So, what's your name, or is that non of my business?" I ask leaning forward into the space between the passenger and drivers seat. He looks over his shoulder to me "My names Jackson." I feel my lips twist into a small smile. "Well Jackson. Do you mind telling me wear we meet." I say sitting back into the back seat. Jackson looked me straight in the eyes as the car suddenly comes to a stop, causing me to hoot forward into the front of the car. The force was so quick and strong I closed my eyes tight as I'm jerked into the every front seat. I open my eyes and see that I was caught by Jackson. "Thanks." I mumble as he smiles down at me cockily.

Zoey A OHSHC Fanfic (Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now