We Meet By My Broken Down Limo?

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I wake up in a cold sweat screaming, tears running down my face in a unfamiliar bed in a strange room. Jackson comes running through a door connecting to my room worry flashes in his eyes. As he stomps in he looks around wildly trying to find a threat when he finds none he turns to me. By now I had stop screaming but I was still crying like crazy. I couldn't control myself. My dream. It was awful. I had dreamed that the Interrogator had taken me to some underground prison cell with no windows and only a lite candle out of my reach for the prison cell bar for light. The man had told me that if I didn't admit to causing the fire that killed my mom Jason,Julia and the. Twins would be sent to jail like me or killed. I was forced to say I caused the fire. As a result the interrogator didn't need me any more and I was sentenced to death. They had burned me alive. The cruelest thing was I dreamed I had went to heaven and saw my mom but..... I knew it was impossible. My shoulders tremble at the thought of my dream. The Interrogator ,the real one, what had he wanted? Where is he know? Could what I dreamed really happen? I looked around wildly. I could feel amens panic rising inside my chest as I did. Jackson ran over to my bed side and sat down next to me. I continued to cry as I felt his weight cause a slope in the mattress. Suddenly Jackson leaned over and hugged me. In normal circumstances I would have shrugged him off but I needed some one to hang on to. I had lost my mom, my life in Washington, and now my new friends at Ouran, Tamaki, Hunni, Mori, Haruhi, Hikaru and Kaoru even know it all Koya. I missed them. Sure they might have forced me to become a stupid made for their club but they welcomed me. Even when I was being kidnapped in my apartment they had come to my rescue and put them selfs at risk. I hugged Jackson back absorbing the warmth he gave me. It was so friendly and welcoming and
familiar. I pulled away and wiped the tears from my face. "Were did I meet you and when?" I ask Jackson as he watches me. I look up at him and saw that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised as if he was trying to hold back a smile from forming. "So you do remember me?" He asked giving up and smiling.
"More like recognize you" I said
He frowned
"Well is was a long time ago you can only remember so much and you've been through a lot."
I raised a eyebrow curiously, so I did know Jackson at some point.
Jackson noticed my raised eyebrow and sighed.
"You haven't changed one bit since the last time I saw you personality wise Zoey." Jackson muses
"Just tell me I it's not like your hiding it from me!" I urged
"It was a long time ago, remember when you were just ten you and your family went to go to the White House. But your car broke down and you got a ride from a family that lived near by." Jackson explained.
I raked my memory and a scene play through my head.
Jackson was right I was around ten years old wearing a pretty light blue dress that ruffed between by legs as the wind blew. I was standing next the broken limo we were once in. Jason who was 12 at the time was looking at the engine of the car with mom and dad asking what was wrong. Seeing if their was anything he could do to help. As my parents tried to keep him away from the engine so he wouldn't ruin his new black suit and just cut hair. I looked around and spotted the twins still in the car; Piper and Camryn were 7 and they still looked like exactly alike. Camryn was wearing a pink sundress with her light pink hair up in two little duns they rest of her hair flowed down her shoulders all the way down to her waist. Piper was the same as well but with her usual light purple hair and wearing a purple dress. Camryn and Piper sat in the limo playing Pat-A-Cake they sang perfectly together and laughed at Camryn as she fumbled to keep up with Pipers quick hands. I smiled at the memory. I looked closer in the limo and felt my smile grow bigger as I spotted Julia. She was 8 and was wearing a light blue dress similar to mine but with butterfly patterns. Her Blond her was down to her waist as well and had a blue butterfly pin in her hair. Her light, bright blue eyes seamed to sparkled as the sun hit her gemstone encrusted butterfly hair pin. She was sitting in the car across from Piper and Camryn looking down at her phone. Earplugs in her ears. As I take in the scene I notice what looks like a family walking towards up. As they get closer I am able to see them better. It was a small family with only three member. A man, woman and boy that looked around my age. He had sandy blond hair and a bright blue eyes. As they approached us my parents noticed them and walked over. I watched my parents talk explaining our situation. I quickly get bored of watching and turn my attention back to the boy. As I look at him I catch him starring at me. Usually when someone catches you staring at them you look away, But this boy didn't do that. Instead he flashes me a friendly bright white toothed smile and waved to me. Surprised by is reaction I flimsily waved back. The boy walked over to me leaving his and my parents to take. Once he reaches me he smiles again. "Hi" he says nicely. "Hello" Is all I was able to mumble back. "What's your name?" The boy asked. I could tell he was trying to avoid an awkward silence. "Z-Zoey." I stamper "You?" The boys smile grew wider as he says My names Jackson!"

Zoey A OHSHC Fanfic (Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now