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As Leroy dragged me into the room clutching my hand in a deadly grip he suddenly stops. I bump into him and as I back up a little slightly fazed from knocking into him I hear a strange clicking sound. I look over Leroy's shoulder and see dozens of men all in Japanese police uniforms. They all had guns aimed toward us I froze in fear. I'm going to die I though. "Hand over the Ms. Zoey Gold or we will take he by force!" Yelled as police man into a megaphone angrily. Leroy looked at me and grabbed my other hand shoving me I front of him. "Or what!! You'll shoot me!" Leroy says laughing as he uses me as a shield. I thrash in his hands but can't seam to get free. I stop suddenly remembered that when I was like five I had been given small martial arts classes. I then slammed the back of my head into Leroy's face he let me go and clucked his face I spun aground anger filling inside me. I then going into a mode I didn't no I even had round house kicked him followed by a punched to the stomach. I couldn't figure what else to do so I stepped back and watch Leroy yell in pain. He looked up at me "You little!!!!" He growls angrily. I lungs for me suddenly. I wasn't prepared and knew that he would probably get me in a moment when suddenly a pair of hands pulls me back and throws me into a other pair of arms. I look over my should as I'm put into the second pair of arms to see it was police man who had grabbed me and was now tackling Leroy. I looked away and looked up at the man who had grabbed me for the second time it was a other police officer. He let go of me but still held me hand and started to drag me to the corner of the room where I saw three men all in police uniforms for sadly two were facing me and seamed to be police officers the thirds I couldn't see the face of as we approached. The two officers I could see saw me and aid farewells to the third man and walked away. We approached the third man and the officer escorting me let me go as I reached the corner standing right next to a door with the word "Exit over it." and the officer left. I was alone with the third man I leaned over and tapped is shoulder. He turned around and when I saw his face I instantly cried. Because standing I front of me was Koya great, amazing Mr. Know it all Koya. I could feel his smiling face staring at me as he watched me cry and he wrapped me in a hug. I leaned into his chest and took a deep breath. As I was in his arms I felt totally at safe.

Zoey A OHSHC Fanfic (Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now