A UnderGround RailRoad Station Managers Behind This!?

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As I shoved my phone into my pocket I turned toward the bathroom door facing my next challenge. Jackson. How was I going to make it look like I had really just gave up? I sighed. I was dehydrated and tried but I already new if I had really just gave up I would be crying my eyes out. Normally I would have a hard time crying on demand but with all the sad and depressing things that had happened to me it took me only a split second to start crying. I stumbled clumsily out of the bathroom and cried hysterically. Honestly I was amazed I had enough water in my body to cry. Jackson ran over to me as my knees started knocking into each other. Jackson had not only become a friend but at this point also my mental support. Jackson engulfed me in a hug I was shocked for a moment but them absorbed the warmth he provided. I felt like I was five again and I had been crying over a broken toy when my mom can over to me and hugged me patting me on the back and telling me to take deep breaths. Promising to go do something fun later to cheer me up. I found the same warm comfort form Jackson. I took deep breaths slightly embarrassed that I had resorted to children methods. But they worked. I pulled away. I looked up to Jackson as he smiled down on me. I pulled my phone out and handed it to him. My hand shaking, I needed to act like I had actually given up. Jackson looking surprised and sadly took the phone gently as if it was made of glass and slipped it into his pocket. Jackson looked me over each second he did this his eyes got sadder and sadder. I must have looked pretty broken because he suddenly jerks me into a hug. "They really did brake you didn't they......?" Jackson says the ending nothing more then a small whisper. I bite my lip "I'm fine...." I mumbled taking a step back and smiling at him cheerfully. A small amount realize spreads through his facial features. Jackson suddenly pulls someone out of his pocket for a moment I thought it was phone I stiffened affairs I would have to try and give it up again. But instead he pulled out a small notebook and a packet of pencils and handed them to me. "Here all hostages are required to have something to write in. Anyone who looks at the hostages notebooks are fired. It's a way we give them a sense of Privates something's we send out letters." Jackson says "But letters that are send are searched over." I look down at the book at small smile creeping through me lips. It gave me a strange sense of comfort. But I still had to stay focused.... I need to gather info and some how get my phone back and make secret calls or send Koya Some hidden messages through letters.

Koya's POV

Leroy James, fissility five, underground....... Danm so little information was almost about as useful as no information. Still Zoey must have have tried hard to get that info. I jut hope she's ok. I walk to my room and sit at my desk. I open my laptop and search the name Leroy James. Dozens and dozens my myspace and Twitter messages from America pop up flooding the screen with pictures and videos. I scroll down looking at website links and scowling at an occasional picture. A website link suddenly catches my attention. I click on the link and see that a man by the name of Leroy James has just started working with Japan and has started blinding underground railroads for the general public. Underground railroads with the manager of a man named Leroy James it seams that Zoey has been trying to collect information. Fissility five must be right next to a railroad station it's the only place it could be. According to the website the company has very little land to build the Railroads. All that was left was to find out with station. I get up from my desk and quickly start arranging police forces under cover to go investigate all stations under the company's rule. And to keep watch for suspicious activity.

Zoey A OHSHC Fanfic (Editing & Revising)Where stories live. Discover now