Part 26

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My Basketball Player

Part 26


I walked into the apartment carrying groceries. I set them down in the kitchen. I jogged upstairs and looked into Aubrees room. She smiled coloring. I walked over to my room and looked in. I saw Jayden holding her head. I walked over and rubbed her back. She jumped turning around.

Jayden: Oh hey baby.

Tyga: Hey gorgeous. What's wrong

Jayden: Nothing.

She turned back around. I looked seeing she was on her history college class. She held her head looking back down. I massaged her shoulders and she sighed.

Tyga: Is it history ?

She broke down crying. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. She kept her hands over her face. I wrapped my arm around her and moved her hands.

Tyga: What's wrong ?

Jayden: So many how hard I study I just can't get it. I improved in studying and everything. I just can't catch on

Tyga: Look at me baby. Look at me.

She looked at me wiping her eyes. I held her as she relaxed. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss. I smiled rubbing her back.

Tyga: You're going to catch on. Just take a break. You don't need anymore stress. Relax and watch some cartoons.

She nodded walking over to the bed. She laid on her side. I kissed her forehead walking back onto Aubrees room. I sat next to her and she smiled.

Tyga: You've been quiet lately munchkin

Aubree: I've been coloring daddy.

Tyga: How's school ?

Aubree: It's okay. I miss being with you and mommy. I just color to stay out of trouble.

Tyga: That's good. Help me make dinner.

Aubree: Okay.

She put her coloring away. She was ocd which is weird. Me and Jayden never was organized. I picked her up and we walked downstairs. I let her stand on the counter.

Tyga : Okay love. Pick something to cook. Anything you want.

Aubree: Can we make waffles ?

Tyga: You had waffles this morning.

Aubree: You said anything dad. Don't change your mind now.

She crossed her arms. I sighed grabbing the waffle maker. She always won our little arguments. Another thing she got from Jayden. What I don't get it how she's so peaceful. It made me curious, I'll ask Jayden about it later. I started making waffles and she grabbed some bread off the refrigerator.

Aubree: Mommy needs big breakfast

Tyga: Yes she does.

I finished making the dinner. I walked upstairs and found Jayden asleep. I smiled and walked back downstairs. Aubree was eating, I moved her to the island and sat next to her.

Aubree: Daddy?

Tyga : Yes princess

Aubree : What's a bitch

I started choking on my food. I smacked my chest. I grabbed my drink, drinking it. I took a deep breath gaining back my air. I looked at her.

Tyga: Why sweetie ?

Aubree : A boy at school calls me it. I was just wondering.

Tyga: You don't let him call you that okay ?! Stand up for yourself. I'll talk to your teacher tomorrow.

Aubree: Okay

She continued eating. I rubbed my chin watching her. She doesn't even seem phased by it. I continued eating. I felt someone rubbed my back and I looked back seeing Jayden.

Tyga: Hey gorgeous. How was that 15 minute nap?

Jayden: Didn't even realize I fell asleep. Where's my plate?

Tyga: Sit down and I'll get it baby

I got up getting her plate. She sat down eating. I would tell her about Aubrees situation, but she doesn't need any stress.


Next Morning

I woke up getting Aubree up. I got dressed and headed to her school. Once we got there she ran inside. I walked inside and up to her teacher. Her name was Ms.Jackson.

Tyga: Excuse Ms.Jackson

Ms.Jackson: How can I help you ?

Tyga: Hi I'm Michael. Aubrees father. She told me she was having a problem with her classmate.

Ms.Jackson: Oh really ?

She leaned forward pushing her chest out more. I shook my head tapping my foot. I don't have time for this shit.

Tyga: Yes really. Now if you would quit trying to do whatever your trying to do and focus on my daughter that would be nice.

Ms.Jackson: Which child is yours again ?

Tyga: Aubree Stevenson

She looked over at Aubree and chuckled. I shook my head. She leaned forwards again and started talking right above a whisper

Ms.Jackson : I've been wondering about her. Is Aubree ... ya know ... a little slow ?

Tyga: Bitch what did you say about my child ?!

Ms.Jackson : She doesn't play with any other kids. She's quiet. She doesn't really... how do I say this... interact with other children.

Tyga: So you think my child Is fucking slow cause she don't mess with these lil fuck boys in the class room. You know what I'm going to leave before I smack the fuck out of yo ass. AUBREE !

Aubree ran to me and I grabbed her hand. I walked out with her. She's going to a different school tomorrow morning.



Tay has been sick for a few days. Jaquan constantly cry unless he is in the same room as her. I got him asleep in their room. I walked into the bedroom seeing Tay watching tv.

Tay: he finally sleep ?

Jacquees  : Yes. Feeling better?

Tay: A little. You should sneak a nap in, he'll be up sooner than you think.

I nodded closing my eyes. I fell out. I feel like as soon as I closed my eyes, I opened them back up. I looked over at the clock seeing it was noon. Damn he slept for a good 4 hours. I rubbed my eyes going into their room. I picked him up taking them into the livingroom. I fed him and sat him in front of the tv.

Jacquees : Please be chill.

I laid back and he started baby talking. I smiled thinking I've finally won

Tay: Jacquees !!!

I sighed. Jaquan  started crying because he heard her voice. I feel defeated. I grabbed him walking into the room

Tay better feel good by tomorrow

_ FxckLov3 _

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