Part 17

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My Basketball Player

Part 17


It's been 3 weeks and Jayden does nothing but cry. It hurts my heart so much to see her that way. I came downstairs and she was sitting on the couch still crying. I walked over to her and hugged her. I kissed her temple.

Chris: Look at me.

She looked up at me, I wiped her eyes giving her a kiss. She softly kissed back, I rubbed her back. She hugged me sighing.

Chris: Let's get you out of this house. This isn't healthy at all for you.

Jayden: You're right. I got things to get done today.

She stood up walking upstairs. I was already dressed and ready. She came downstairs in leggings and a sweater. I hate that she doesn't dress up anymore. She was always glowing.

Jayden: Come on baby. We're hitting 3 places today.

Chris: Alright let's roll.

I grabbed her hand. We pulled up a building. We walked inside and Jayden asked for anger management classes. I looked at her like she was crazy. Not because she asked for them, but she signed me up too.

Chris: I don't have anger management problems !

Jayden: *looks at him* We in this together right ?

Chris: You right.

I leaned down writing my named along the line. They gave us the papers for classes. We walked out getting in the car. I looked at her and she smiled reading the paper.

Jayden: Okay baby. Furniture store next .

Chris: For what ?

Jayden: My baby girl needs furniture for when she comes back. Because she will be back.

I drove to the furniture store and we were walking around. They led us to to the kids section. Jayden was loving shopping. We picked out the bed set & Jayden went to pay. I stopped her swiping my card and signing my name.

Jayden: Baby I'll pay you back

Chris: Na. This is on me.

Jayden: You don't have to do that Chris. She's my responsibility

Chris: She's mine too baby.

She smiled kissing my cheek. We walked out and ended up at the mall. Once we got to the mall, Jayden went straight to Kids footlocker. She picked out shoes and got Aubree more clothes. We paid walking towards the door court. As we were standing in line, someone hugged my leg. I looked down seeing Aubree

Aubree: Chrissy!

Chris: Aubree what are you doing over Here?

Aubree: I miss you and mommy

Jayden just looked straight ahead. I picked Aubree up looking around for Tyga. Aubree hugged Jaydens neck and Jayden took her. She kissed her cheek and Aubree kissed hers.

Aubree: Mom when do I come home ?

Jayden: Soon baby girl. Go back to your daddy.

Aubree: I'm here with Chyna. Dad's been out of town for 2 weeks.

I saw Jaydens facial expression change. I took Aubree giving Jayden my card to get her something to eat. I saw Chyna and she sighed in relief.

Chyna: Aubree quit running off like that. You had me worried

Chris: Why is Tyga out of town?

Chyna: He's handling business

Chris: Mhmmm... Aubree I'll see you later okay ?

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