Part 4

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My Basketball Player

Part 4


I crawled out from under the desk. I walked through the door getting a gun to my face. I had a boredom look on my face. He lowered the gun, looking behind me. I looked up at him

Jayden: Why are you doing this Andre ?

Andre: Because you're mine. I told you this.

Jayden: Andre you're the reason why I'm like this. One more thing I do wrong & I'm in juvenile til I'm 18. That's next year !!

Andre: Jayden I've changed just trust me. I need you back, I'm insane without you.

Jayden: Andre I just can't....

Andre: Fine. It's either you're mine or your little boyfriend gets killed. Watch his back *walks out*

He left and I felt tears stream down my face. I wiped my eyes, walking into the coaches office. Tyga crawled out coming towards me. I crossed my arms looking at him.

Tyga: You okay ? What's wrong ?

Jayden: We need to see other people.

Tyga: You're kidding me right ?

Jayden: No I'm serious.

Tyga: I thought you actually cared about me

Jayden: You actually thought I would? Well I don't and I never will. I only dated you because of your Mr.Basketball title. You don't mean anything to me at all and you never will.

He walked out slamming the door. I sighed, sitting in the chair. If he only knew why I did that. The police ran downstairs helping me up. They actually made sure I was okay, I threw my hair up and walked out. My mom was outside and I walked past everyone going to her. I gave her a hug and held on for dear life.

K.michelle : What's wrong baby ? Where's Tyga ?

Jayden : I just want to go home mom. Please.

We walked to her car, I sat in the front. I closed my eyes feeling my mom pull off. I can't do this.....



I watched her walk straight to her mom. For the short time we was together I thought she actually cared. I watched them pull off, I grabbed my things getting into my car. I don't believe a word she said, she cares for me I know she does. I pulled off going to my house. I got inside took a shower and laid down.


Next Day :

She didnt even move, she won't meet me anywhere.  Speaking of her, her mom called me and told me to meet her at the coffee shop down the street. I was waiting on her to pull up. I saw her get out and walk towards me. She hugged me and we sat down.

K.michelle: Please explain to me what's going on

Tyga: I honestly don't know. She broke up with me yesterday after the shooting at the school. She said she didn't care about me

K.michelle : Of course pushing away someone that cares. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. Something isn't right.

Her phone went off and she read the text. Her whole facial expression changed. she sat her phone down, making a face looking away. She made a fake laugh and leaned back up.

K.michelle : I figured it out. It's him..  Andre

Tyga: Who is Andre ?

K.michelle: The reason Jayden is the way she is. He physically hurt her and emotionally, which caused her to go to bad habits. He had her hooked to drugs and alcohol. I had to force him out of her life. He must have came to the school yesterday. Let's go, we're going to my house.

We rode to the house and her mom busted in the house. I saw Jayden sitting on the chair & Andre on the couch. Jayden didn't seem herself, she was leaning forward to were her hair was over her face. I looked on the table seeing white lines.

K.michelle: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT ?! *picks up bag* WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MT DAUGHTER ? *pushes him*

Andre: *laughs* Chill ma. She wanted to try some.


He laughed, grabbing the bag and his stuff. He walked over to Jayden kissing her cheek. She didn't even move, he left out. I walked over to Jayden. K.michelle called police giving away information on him. I leaned Jayden back seeing her face all messed up.

Tyga: Jayden, What's happened?

She started leaning forward. I caught her helping her up. Her mom wiped off the white under her nose along with the blood.

K.michelle: Take her in the bathroom.

I helped her walk to the bathroom. We got inside and I laid her in the tub. Her mom came in starting the water. Jayden jumped up, coughing and screaming .

Jayden: STOP !!!!!!!!!!!


Jayden kept trying to block the water. Her mom turned it off throwing a towel at her, walking out.  I bent down to her level, she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I helped her out, grabbing her some clothes. She changed and I fixed her hair for her. I helped her walk to the bed and laid down with her. She turned to me, balling her eyes out on my chest.

Jayden: I'm so sorry !!!

Tyga: Shhhh.... relax

Jayden: He beat me and forced me. I didn't know what to do, I was scared he would kill me.

Tyga: Relax I told you this. I'm not going anywhere.

She clung on to me. I held her tight, I felt horrible. I shouldn't have walked out that day. I kissed the side of her head

Tyga: Did he do anything else ?

Jayden: No. I texted my mom to come home. I was scared of the outcome. You need to get away from me Tyga, he's gonna kill you.

Tyga: He ain't gon touch me. Best believe that. Look at me

She looked up at me. I kissed her, rubbing her back. She held my face, her mom walked in and smiled.

K.michelle: Cute

Jayden: Mom can we get security?

K.michelle: Already planned that. Come on dinners ready.

I stood up, picking Jayden up. She clinched onto me. I sat down with her still onto my lap. I started eating, she turned eating too. She stayed quiet the whole time, we didn't want to bring up the subject. I was holding her by her stomach with one arm.

Jayden: This is really good. Damn mom didn't think you could cook.

K.michelle : Jayden I cook all the time. You just never eat

Jayden: I regret that now huh ?

We finished eating and she walked back to her room. I helped her mom with the dishes

K.michelle : Boy go watch over my daughter before I strangle her

I laughed walking into the room. She was sitting at the bottom of the bed. I walked over to her. She pulled me down and kissed me. We got into it until I realized she might be out of it. She grabbed "him" & it was over with.



I rolled over looking at him. He was slightly snoring, I smiled. I really care about him. I just didn't want him hurt which led to me getting hurt.

Tyga: Quit looking at me

I smiled. He still had his eyes close. I leaned up kissing his cheek. He opened his eyes yawning. He pulled me closer, and I buried my head in his neck.

Tyga: Don't beat yourself up over this. I love you & once I'm attached I'm loyal.

I sighed, knowing I couldn't say it back. I closed my eyes falling asleep.


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