Part 19

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My Basketball Player

Part 19


I was finally back home, I was stuck on the couch because food,bathroom, & a place to sleep. Tyga has been helping me out a lot with Aubree, while also taking Care of his newborn King. He deserves daddy of the year award. I'm in so much pain it's not even funny.

Tyga: Okay here's your  food. I was you yo eat it all, Aubree is taking a bath, & the house is clean. I'll get Aubree out and dressed, give her food, then I have to go take Chyna to Kings doctors appointment.

Jayden: Okay...

He walked away and I heard the bathroom door close. I leaned up as much as I could and started eating. We're still waiting on doctors to call about my surgery. Aubree came running out in pajamas and sat next to me.

Jayden: Why are you in pajamas when it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon?

Tyga: Because you're staying inside all day and you guys can't go nowhere.

Jayden: Geesh okay ...

He rolled his eyes and sighed. He grabbed his keys kissing Aubrees forehead and giving her food. He left out and I finished eating. Aubree was eating watching cartoons. I wonder what's up with Tyga, he's never had this attitude until now. I texted him saying we needed to talk later when he has time.


Few hours later...


I was at Kings doctor appointment. Jayden texted me but I just ignored it. I've been stressed lately taking care of Jayden,Aubree,& King. I really just wanna make sure my baby is healthy and I'm cool.

Doctor : King is perfectly healthy. He's gaining weight which is what we like to see. We'll see him when he turns 2 months.

Chyna: Okay that's great.

We got our stuff together and headed towards Chynas. She was quiet. I pulled up and sighed. Chyna looked at me

Chyna: What's up Michael ?

Tyga: Just stressed that's all. Taking care of Jayden, King, & Aubree it's stressing.

Chyna: You need a break. Why don't you go on vacation ?

Tyga: Who's going to take care of Aubree ? Or Jayden? They can't do anything, Jaydens leg is completely shattered. I can't let them starve.

Chyna: Just hitching ideas. Sorry, listen go get some rest and I'll take care of king.

Tyga: Okay.

She got out and I waited until she got inside to pull off. I drove back to Jaydens to see what wanted. I walked inside and saw her on the couch.

Tyga: What did you want ?

Jayden : You had an attitude earlier. Just wanted to see what's up that's all

Tyga: Nothing just worry about yo leg okay ?

Jayden: I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with you. I just wanted to help you out Michael.

Tyga: Jayden it's my stress my business

Jayden: So you're stressing ?!

I looked at her. She seemed so worried about me. I rubbed my face, Aubree was asleep on the other end. I haven't slept a full 8 hours to be honest. Jayden moved to where her leg was on the coffee table. You could see the pain in her face. She leaned on her good leg grabbing my face.

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