Part 6

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My Basketball Player

Part 6


I was looking at them like they were crazy. Yelling in this apartment building like that. I could get in trouble for that and I don't need anything else. Jacquees backed up and I saw Tyga. He looked shocked but I didn't even care. I grabbed my food sitting in the couch eating.

Tay: You guys are gonna get her kicked out of her apartment. She's here for a reason.

Jacquees: But SHE'S PREGNANT !!!

I rolled my eyes. Continued eating, like no dip idiot I have a baby bump. He's freaking out for no reason possible.

Jacquees: Why is she by herself ?! That's not safe.

Jayden: I'm by myself because the ass hole I thought that loved me left me high and dry. So fuck off.

Jacquees: What?  You're single?

I nodded yes. I grabbed my drink. Quees looked at Tyga and Tyga was still staring at my stomach. I grabbed a cover, blocking my stomach. He's a weirdo

Tyga: ummm... can I talk to Jayden private please?

Jayden: No. She's not here right now. Leave a message.

They walked out anyways. He sat near me and I moved to the end of the couch. He moved next to me, I sighed covering my head. I really don't want to see him. He doesn't love me....

Tyga : How far along are you

Jayden: If you didn't bail on me, you would know.

Tyga: You make it sound like I left you cause you were pregnant

Jayden: Mhmmm

I felt the cover lift up. I looked to the side to see him look at me. He got underneath the blanket. I pushed his face and he came back over. He smiled, kissing me. I held him face, getting more into it. He broke the kiss and smiled rubbing my stomach.

Tyga: Why didn't you call me? I told you I'm always here. I just needed to heal.

Jayden: I was scared you wouldn't want anything to do with me.

Tyga: Never that. That's my seed and you're my baby. No matter what.

Jayden: You promise ?

Tyga: Of course.

I took the cover off our heads. I looked at him smiling. I laid on him as he wrapped his arms around me.

Tyga: Graduation is next week...

Jayden: I'm going to watch. Since I can't walk.

He kissed my forehead and started talking about baby names.


One week later ....


It was graduation. I was hyped. I got Jayden back and she's coming to watch, but I have a surprise for her. I was fixing my cap when I felt arms wrap around me. I smiled turning towards her. She looked gorgeous, I kissed her.

Jayden: You made it baby

Tyga: I know. I'm excited for college life *laughs* You made it too babe.

Jayden : At least you're family gets to watch you walk. Both of them *rubs her stomach*

Tyga: I know *kisses her stomach* Better be a boy

She laughed pushing my head. They were making an announcement so she had to go sit down. I fixed myself one more time and walked with everyone else. Tay smiled, and Jacquees was nervous. He had to make the class speech.

Jacquees: NIGGA WE MADE IT !

Tay: Nothing better change after high school niggas *points at him*

Tyga: it won't trust me. I got accepted to UK.

Jacquees: Jaydens gonna be hyped. She loves that school.

The lights lowered and we started walking down the stairs. I looked out and didn't see Jayden. I looked at parents and my mom mouthed "Bathroom". I nodded and they started saying people's name. I was watching as they called Tays name.

Announcer: Taylor A

Tay: *walks out and gets diploma* Thank you so much !!!

Announcer: Jacquees

Jacquees: SQUAD GOING UP !!

Announcer: *laughs* Michael Ray Stevenson

I heard the crowd scream and I smiled. I walked out and I grabbed my diploma.

Jayden: THAT'S MY BABY. LOVE YOU !!!!!

Tyga: I LOVE YOU TOO !!!!

She laughed. I walked up to the front taking the microphone. I thanked them and walked to the front. I got everyone quiet and Tay joined me.

Tyga: So there is this one person in our grade that deserves to be up here, but her past wasn't the best. She was in school til about 5 months ago when they made her take online classes. I talked to the student body and we agreed to give her the graduation she deserves . So we bought the cap and all. Baby get up here you deserve it !

She covered her mouth, crying. I walked to her grabbing her hand. I lead her up on stage and put on the stuff. She hugged me tight crying more.

Tay: You deserve it all best friend. I might have disliked you at the beginning of the year, but no one deserves to be treated different. You're the best anyone could ask for. Now enjoy your graduation!

Jayden ran to Tay hugging her tight as possible. They were rocking back and forth. Everyone was cheering. Jacquees grabbed the microphone about to make the student speech. We lined up behind him and Jayden wiped her eyes.

Jacquees: We're here today for 2 things. 1 all you guys are here to see your babies graduate. 2nd you guys are here and be able to say my baby made. I know some of you guys look at this class and wonder how some of us even passed. Hard word, hope, & Keeping our head held high. We've all been through some negative things, but we didn't let that stop us. As you see we are always a family. We came together to help a senior deserve the graduation she worked for. We helped each other through hard times. I couldn't be any happier to graduate with any other class. We made it and IT'S TIME TO FACE THE FUTURE !!!!

We all threw our hats in the air. Everyone cheered. I picked Jayden up walking off. She smiled, looking at me. Jacquees picked Taylor up in the air.


We went to the house for a party besides Jayden. She went to her apartment. I'm going afterwards, plus I have to plan for my graduation party. Jacquees and Taylor are having theirs together next week. I was thinking of that with Jayden. After the little party, I went to Jaydens. I knocked on the door, she opened the door slightly smiling.

Tyga: Hey baby .

Jayden: Hey

Tyga: *walks in* What's wrong *closes door*

Jayden: *lays on the couch* Nothing my feet hurt and I'm tired. I threw away my comfy pillow, I threw up on it. So I'm uncomfortable...

Tyga: My poor baby  *sits in front of her* Want another one ?

Jayden: That'd be perfect. I'm just really tired.

I picked her up taking her upstairs. I laid her down grabbing two pillows putting them in the middle. She cuddled up to them and I laid in front of her. I kissed her forehead playing with her hair.

Tyga: Did you like your surprise ?

Jayden : I love it. It was perfect.

It went quiet for a minute. She closed her eyes sighing. I rubbed her side looking at her.

Jayden: Michael ?

Tyga: Yes

Jayden: You don't think college would change us at all?

Tyga: No I won't let that happen.

She didn't say another word after that. I heard her slightly snoring and smiled. I kissed her forehead going to bed.


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