Part 8

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My Basketball Player

Part 8


We walked through the whole apartment. It was actually the perfect size for the both of them. I talked to the owner and they said there were no complaints, which is perfect. Jayden sighed for the place and we went shopping for furniture. Jayden wanted to be moved in by Sunday and it was only Friday. They agreed to bring the furniture tomorrow. We were standing outside waiting on Jayden and Aubree to pick their bedrooms.

Kelly: Look man I don't want any drama. Jayden and your daughter doesn't need that. I understand the situation and all that. I just want things to be civil between us, besides on the court.

Tyga: Just don't hurt her man. I care about both of them. Once they get attached it's hard to leave them. You have to understand you're lucky enough to be in her life right now. I was lucky enough to even get this far with her. We can be cool, but I don't want you thinking you can take my spot.

Kelly: Ight man

We shook hands and Jayden walked out. Aubree was sleep on her shoulder. Kelly walked to his car and I was walking beside Jayden.

Tyga: Want me to keep her or you

Jayden: Since it is your weekend, you can. Plus she'll be with me anyways.

I turned grabbing my sleepy baby. Jayden kissed her cheek & moved her hair. She smiled at me walking towards Kelly. I looked at him and did a nod. I walked to my car putting Aubree in the back with a cover. I pulled off heading to my dorm.


Saturday Morning:


I opened my eyes while my phone was going off. I looked at the time seeing it was 8 in the morning. I stretched feeling myself getting pull. Kelly pulled me towards him, burying his face In my neck. I was looking at my phone when I remember I'm moving into my apartment today. I jumped on Kelly making him fully wake up.

Kelly: Baby stop.

Jayden: I'm moving into my apartment baby!

Kelly: *opens eyes* Shit. That's right

Jayden: Wake up so we can get this over with !!

I leaned down kissing him a few times. He grabbed my ass, looking at me. I smiled causing him to smile. We got up getting dressed. We got into the car heading to my apartment. Tyga was already there with Aubree. I picked her up kissing her little chubby cheeks. I looked up seeing Tyga and Kelly talking. What did I miss?

Jayden : Okay ladies if your done sipping your tea let's open up the doors.

Kelly: Who sips tea anymore ?

Tyga: I sip gatorade.

Jayden: Shush you too.

We opened everything up and started working.


Many hours later

Kelly ( Above )

Tyga and I just finished Jaydens bedroom. The last room in the house. We walked down to the kitchen talking about basketball. Jayden was sitting there with food and drinks for all of us. I walked over to her giving her a kiss. She grabbed my face making me look at her

Jayden: Thank you for being civil.

Kelly: No problem baby.

Jayden: Michael thank you too for being civil.

Tyga: No problem.

Aubree was in the living room eating. I leaned on the counter digging in. Jayden sat down in the chair next to me. Tyga went to eat with Aubree.

Jayden: How you feel about the apartment ?

Kelly: Think it's perfect. 3 blocks away from the school. The size is perfect and I'm going to be here through the week so it's good.

Jayden: Thank you seriously. You don't understand how much this means to me. So we need to think of something for like a schedule for Aubree. You know with class and practice ?

Kelly; I can watch her when you're at practice. You might have to talk to Tyga about classes. We have classes at the same time besides thursdays.

Tyga walked back in with his and aubrees plate. Jayden leaned on her hands looking at him. He noticed and stopped looking at us.

Tyga: What ?

Jayden: What time is your earliest class?

Tyga: 11:30 , why ?

Jayden: That's perfect. My earlier class is 8 then I have another at 10. Think you can watch Aubree until I get out. I can pick her up right afterwards.

Tyga: Yeah. That works.

Jayden: Good everything is working out perfectly ! So Kelly will have her when I'm at practice. Michael will have her when I'm in class then she's mine for the rest of the day, Perfect !!

Tyga: So will you have any time for her?

Jayden: Of course! My classes always end at 11 each morning. I have practice at 2 which ends at 4. Then the rest of the day is ours. Wow I never thought I would hear myself say these words.

We started laughing. Aubree ran in rubbing her eyes. Tyga picked her up taking her to her room. I leaned over giving Jayden another kiss. She smiled, putting our plates in the sink. She walked to the door letting Michael out. They hugged and she locked the door.

Jayden: Come on let's get upstairs baby.

Kelly: Alright.

I yawned turning off the lights. She checked on Aubree and I hopped in the shower. I got out laying down with Jayden pulling her close.

Jayden: Goodnight baby

Kelly: Goodnight love



I got home realizing I really did mess up. As long as her and my baby girl are protected and happy, I'm cool. I was walking to my dorm when I saw the girl I was in the library with . She smiled at me, I waved for her to come here. She walked up to me smiling.

Tyga: You're the girl from the library ?

Leah: Yes I am.

Tyga: We should go out sometime. You seem cool

Leah: Tomorrow morning for coffee ? 

Tyga: That's perfect. Say about 10 ?

Leah: *smiles* Yeah that's perfect.

I walked her to her dorm then went back to mine. I shrugged, Jayden moved on. Why can't I ?


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