Twilight drive in.

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As I drive into the drive in I see Cheryl, Veronica and Kevin "hey guys." I say with a smiles.

"Hey M. Nice bike." Veronica says

"Thank you it was a gift." I say with a smile

"What are you doing here?" Kevin asks

"I'm meeting someone." I say with a smile

"Ohhh.... I know that smile who is he?" Kevin asks

"He's name is Sweet Pea. He's a friend."

"A very yummy friend." Cheryl adds with a smirk

"Does he go to Riverdale High?" Kevin asks

"No he goes to Southside." I say as Kevin smile

"Did he give you this bike Mariah?" Cheryl asks

"Yeah he did. It's he's old bike and he wanted me to have my own pair of wheels do he gave it to me" I say with a smile

"Oh la la. That's an expensive thing to give" Veronica says

"I know I told him no but I couldn't argue with him it's was such a sweet gesture if I said no I would never forgive myself."

"He seems like a good guy M." Cheryl says

"He is"

"Well I hope he treats you right especially after Reggie..."

"Thanks Kev and don't worry he will. Look I better go but we will talk soon." I driving off to go and find Sweet Pea as I drive  someone jumps in front of me but I break immediately. "What the hell dude I could have ran you over." I say looking at the guy seeing it's fangs

"Oh sorry I didn't see you there" He says not looking up at me yet.

"It's ok Fangs but you need to be more careful." I say with a smile as he's head whips in my direction

"Mariah you made it. Where's Jughead? Sweets said you both were coming tonight."

"He stayed back he didn't feel like coming."

"Oh that to bad it would have been nice to have you both here."

"I know but he just wasn't up to it." 

"That's understandable. Hey do you want anything to eat I'm paying." Fangs says with a smile

"No I'm ok for right now thank you though. It's very sweet of you to offer"

"Your welcome. I'm going to get some snacks the rest of the Serpents are over there." He says pointing me in the right direction before walking away. As I drive  closer to the serpent my smile widens with ever step close to Sweets. I can't help it he just make me happy. I quickly park my bike and get off as everyone around me stares at me

"Hey Sweets." I say with a smile as he turns to me.

"Hey you made it and you rode the bike. " He says smiling

"I did." I say looking at him with a smile. After we talk for a bit the movie starts.

"You want some popcorn Fangs bought me an extra large." He whispers

"Sure thank you." I say taking some smiling taking some.

((Start of Sweet Pea's POV))

As the movie plays my eyes wonder over to Mariah who is sitting her bike beside me. She looks so beautiful. The way her eyes glisten in the light just takes my breath away. That stupid mangy bull dog lost a queen. I think to myself a I see Mariah shivering. "Hey you ok?"

"Yeah, just a little cold but I'll be ok Pea don't worry." She says going back to watching the movie but throughout the movie I see her shivering more so I bring out the blanket I brought with me and go up behind her and holds her to my chest as I wrap the blanket around us both "Better?" I asks looking down at her smiling.

"Yeah thank you Sweets. I didn't want to bother you."

"It's no bother. We can't have the princess getting sick now can we?" I asks as she just smiles and goes back to watching the movie. Half way through the movie Mariah gets up go to the washroom but she doesn't come back for twenty minutes so I get up and go look for her. "Fangs I'll be back." I say getting up and go look for Mariah. As I walk around the drive in I run into the red head Mariah introduce Fang, Toni and I to at Pop's.

"Sweet pea?" She asks


"Is Mariah with you?" She asks

"No she went to the washroom but she hasn't come back."

"I saw Reggie he looked pissed and even came up to me and ask if I saw her. "

"Damn it. We got to find her." I say as I text Fangs needing help.


The bull dog is her and he was looking for Mariah. But no one has seen her.

I don't like this I'll have some of the serpents spilling up and look for her. I hope she's ok.

Let me know if you find her.

"Where did she says she was going?" Veronica asks

"The washroom." I say as Cheryl goes to look.

"She's not in there" she says coming out as we all look for Mariah but can't find her

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