The gang

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"So how were your classes this morning?" I ask him as I pull out my lunch.

"They were good. How were yours babe?"

"Long but, interesting. We had a debate in law  on whether it's correct in today day and age to undermine women based on there gender alone. It was so exciting"

"Were you for or against?"

"Against of course. I believe women shouldn't be undermined because they are a woman."

"Were you always this strong headed."

"I'm Jones what do you expect?"

"Very true"

"Our 6 month anniversary is coming up. What do you want to do for it?" I ask

"Um... just hang out I guess"


"So, what are you doing after school?" Reggie asks

"I'm going to hang out with Jug, Archie, Betty and Veronica."

"Why? There losers."

"Those loser your referring to are my friends and brother Reg."


"Whatever." I say with an eye roll as eat my lunch as Jug walks past us

"Jughead is such a loser."!He mutters

"What did you just say about my brother?" I ask as I look up at him

"He's a loser."

"And as his sister what does that make me?" I say challenging him

"Babe look at him. He's an outcast at this school. At least you a Vixen but his a..."

"His a what Reggie? You know what, I'm sick and tired of you put him down all the time. It's not right!"

"Babe come on, I get he's your brother and all but,you don't have to be so protective of him."

"That's exactly what I have to do. He's my family when my mom left he was there." I say as I grab my stuff and start walk away from him

"Babe come on."

"No Reggie. I'm going to have lunch with my brother and friends. I'll see you later maybe." I say as I walk to the table table they all are sitting at

"Hey guys." I say as Archie moves over to let me sit

"Thanks Arch."

"No problem."

"Hey M, I thought you were having lunch with Mantle?" Veronica asks

"I was"

"Mariah? what's wrong?" Archie ask knowing fully well somethings wrong

"He just kept saying bad thing about Jug so, I told him off."

"Mari, you didn't have to do that." Jug says

"Of course I have to your my brother. I'm not going to sit there and let him run his mouth"

"I think Mariah did the right thing. You should never let anyone bad mouth your family." Betty says

"Yeah plus it's Reggie. Who cares what he thinks?" Archie asks

"That true he is nothing but a stupid football jock who thinks he's..."

"V." I say giving her a look


"After school we all are going to pop's right?" I ask changing the subject

"Yeah that's the plan. Hey M are there any places in the cheer team?"!Betty asks

"Yeah there's Around five. Why?"

"I want to try out." Betty say

"If your trying out I want to as well." Veronica says

"Awesome there's a tryout in a few days." I say with a smile as the bell rings

"Well we have English B. I'll see you guys after school at Archie's locker. Have fun in writers craft Juggy. Love you." I say as he rolls his eyes at me

"I will. love you too. Remember that dad wants us home by 6:30 the latest." He say with a slight smile as Betty and I walk to our class.

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