The Surprise: Part 2

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When the security guard came to pick us up, Bella was still giving me the same confused look from before. As he led us back stage I started to get nervous cause I have never seen them or met them in person before. I could see that Bella was getting more curious by the second.

When the security guard stopped at a door and asked us to wait, I turned to Bella.

Me: " Are you ready? "

Bella: " As ready as I will ever be for whatever is behind these doors." Shrugs

Me: " Just don't faint, ok?" She got a nervous yet curious look on her face and it took everything in my body to not tell her right now.

Bella: " No promises. " 😅

Security Guard: " You can go now. "

Me and Bella: " Thank you! "

Me and Bella: " Thank you! "

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RM: " Hi its nice to meet you. We are..."

BTS: " BTS!"

Before I even saw it coming Bella became pale and fainted right into my arms. Sheesh this girl and I told her not to faint. I hope she is ok.

 I hope she is ok

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Junkook POV

Me: Oh my gosh! Is she ok? Someone call an ambulance!" I was yelling at the top of my lungs so that someone could help her.

The most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life just fainted in front of me and I wasn't able to catch her. All of my hyungs are surrounding her and her friend and waiting for the paramedics to come. I dropped down on my knees next to her friend and turned to her.

Me: " Is she going to be ok?" I was asking her friend this cause I saw checking her pulse and she seemed like she knew what to do.

??: " Yeah I think she is going to be fine she was just shocked." She gave me a worried smile and I instantly felt bad for her and knew she was worried for her friend.

Me: " What's your name?"

??: " Oh! I'm sorry, my name is Brook and my friend's name is Isabella. I brought her to surprise her for her Birthday but I guess I surprised her a little too much.heh." She rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

Me: I put my hand on her arm, " Hey, don't worry Brook. She will be alright."

Brook: " Thank you. " She gave me a grateful smile and I knew I had made her feel better. I felt really happy that I was able to make her feel better. I just wanted to do as much as I could for her and Isabella.

Isabella... Even her name was beautiful. Her dark caramel skin was a shade lighter than it needed to be and yet she still looked beautiful. I loved the way her dark chocolate ringlets fell on her shoulders as Brook held her. Her pink full lips set in a adorable pout. I unconsciously reached out a hand to move a strand of her hair behind her ear. Her skin felt as soft as her lips looked. When I finally looked up Brook was giving a giddy smile.

Brook: " At least wait for her to be conscience before you hit on her Junkook. "

Me: " I- " I started blushing and pulled my hand away.
Did I really just do that?!

Time Skip

Brooks POV

When the paramedics finally came Bella's color had already started to come back. The EMTs carried her into the car and told me I could sit in the back with her. But before I could get in the back, I felt a light touch on my arm.

Junkook: " Can I have your phone number? So that I can check up on her- I mean u guys! " By now his cheeks were bright red. Omg I can't wait to tell Bella about all of this.

Me: "Sure, hand me your phone." He handed me his phone and I put my number and Bella's.( Just in case hehe)

He sent me a quick text and I texted him back after getting into the back of the ambulance.

Junkook: Hi!
Brook: Hi its me Brook I added
Bella's number just in case u
wanted it. hehe
Junkook: I- thankyou.

Hahaha he's so cute I can't wait to see the look on Bella's face when I tell her this. Hehe.

EMT: "We're almost there ma'me."

Me: " Thank you. " I tried to give him a genuine smile but it turned out as a worried one.

To be honest I'm still a little worried. I feel like this is my fault even though I know she will be ok.

By the time we finally got to the hospital, admitted her into a room and got her checked out( hahaha) by a doctor it was already 1:00 am and I was tired.

At 1:30 am I got a text from Junkook that said:

Junkook: Hey what hospital are u guys at?

Brook: At XXX hospital why?

Junkook: No reason. Just wondering.

That's weird. Oh well.

Doctor: "She will be fine she just needs some rest and hydration she can leave tomorrow."

Me: " Thank you. "

I sat down next to her bed and fell asleep. I don't know how long I was sleeping. All I know is that when I woke up all of BTS was in front of me. 😳

A\N: Hey guys last chapter I put a little too many time skips and I'm going to try to avoid that

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A\N: Hey guys last chapter I put a little too many time skips and I'm going to try to avoid that. I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter. I love u guys and don't forget to believe in yourself.😘

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