Attraction Part 2

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Brooke's POV

Knock knock knock

I heard someone knock and knew it was Tae. I quickly washed my hands and ran to answer the door. 

The door swung open so forcefully that I almost tripped. I regained composure and looked up at Taehyung.

Me: "Hey..." My breathless words trailed off as I saw what he wore. 

His sweatpants hung loose on his hips while still managing to stick to his legs showing off their glory. His sweatshirt, although baggy, was snug on his shoulders showing the muscles there.

Damn, he looked good. How does someone in comfy clothes look like an Adonis! Seriously shouldn't he look cute instead of hot!

I silently scolded myself for thinking these things right now. I know he told me he liked me but he probably didn't want to talk about that right now.

Taehyung: " Hi." He said looking at me with wide awed eyes. Gosh I wish he wouldn't look at me like that when I was trying to think coherently.

For one second he looked shy, but that second passed quickly. He leaned on the door frame and looked at me with scorching eyes as a smirk slowly came onto his face.

Tae: "I know I look like a model but there is no need to drool." His smirk growing bigger as he saw the blush that creeped onto my cheeks at his words.

Me: "I-um" my voice came out a little high so I cleared my throat " I made strawberry pancakes, would you like some?" In the blink of an eye he went from model to five years old kid excited for his favorite breakfast. I don't know how I would survive with his mood swings.

Tae: " Yes, please." He stepped inside then took off his shoes before following me to the kitchen with bright eyes.

I served us each two pancakes before grabbing the chocolate syrup and whipped cream and going to join him at the table.

I set both our plates down and we both dug in.

Tae: "So the reason I wanted to talk was" he started when we had finished our food "because you still haven't explained why you were so down the other day. Please tell me I'm here for you." His big brown eyes pleaded me to tell him and I couldn't resist. I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to come but I couldn't. 

He came to my side and wrapped his arms around me and I couldn't hold back anymore. I buried my head into his shoulder and sobbed into his sweatshirt.

Me: " I'm sorry." I managed to get out. 

Tae: " You have nothing to be sorry about I'm here. I will always be here. So tell me please."

Me: "Ok it's just that I feel like I've been dragging Bella around and I don't want to, but I'm so selfish cause I don't want to let her go. Also, I keep thinking she would be better off without me and even you guys cause what if my family finds out who I'm hanging out with and.... and.." He cut me off.

Tae: "Hey, hey,hey, don't talk like that. If you weren't in my life it would be so incomplete and I'm sure I'm not the only one who shares those feelings. Ok?"

Me: "Ok. But the thing is Tae, I like you. A lot. And I don't want to drag you along with me. I..." His soft lips cut me off.

They fit perfectly with mine. His lips moved slowly against mine as if he was trying to sink in everything in this moment. I could taste the strawberries on his lips along with his own sweet taste. His kiss melted me to the core, and I never wanted it to stop.

He slowly pulled away our pants mingling together.

Tae: "Don't ever for a second think that I wouldn't love every moment of you dragging me around. I will always want you and I'll never want to be away from you. So don't over think and just remember that no matter what I will always want to be near you." 

Every single time he had looked at me in the past there was one thing I could never decipher, but now I could. It was Love. And  even though I hadn't known him for too long, in that moment I knew I loved him and I never wanted to lose him.

Me: "Tae, I love you." He sucked in a ragged breath and a grin spread across his face.

Tae: "I love you too, Brooke. Will you be mine?" I smiled.

Me: "Always." We smiled at each other before Tae drew me into another lingering kiss.

I never wanted to be apart from him, but I knew that somewhere in the near future I would have to leave. But until then I would enjoy my time with him and show him how much I loved him. I let myself sink into his loving arms, and just for that moment, I let all my troubles fall away.

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