I Miss You Part 2

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Taehyung's POV

The ride to the company went by slowly because of traffic. The noise of Seoul filled my ears still as we pulled into the parking lot.

My mind still lingered on the way Brook's hips would sway as she walked, the way her eyes lit up whenever we went on a ride, and the way her cheeks tinted pink when I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek....
Brooke: " Tae come on!" She giggled at my breathlessness.
When we got into the park we decided on splitting up into groups.
The groups were: RM and Jin Hyung, Jungkook and Bella, Jimin Suga and Hobi, and finally me and Brooke.

We all immediately went our separate ways deciding to meet in two hours to eat.
So far we had gone on three rides and played two games. We still had an hour before we had to meet up with the guys.

Me : " Brooke wait!" I laughed out of breath at the mischievous grin that had spread on her lips.
She had caught sight of the Ferris wheel after we got off our last ride. She had jumped up and down in excitement saying that she had never gone in one and would like to experience it with me.

We stopped at the line and talked as we waited for our turn.
Me: " I can't believe you have never been in a Ferris wheel before."
Brooke: " Well I didn't really have the time especially because of .... work." She said with a sad smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Me: " Well I'm glad you want to go with me your first time."

Brooke: " Of course I would your an amazing and fun person to be around; I would love to go anywhere with you." My cheeks tinted red and she turned away from me with a flustered look on her face.

I really didn't expect what happened next but I just couldn't help myself.
I leaned in and gave her kiss on the cheek; lingering there for just a second before pulling away.
Her face was in utter shock and so red she looked like a cute little strawberry.

Brooke: " Tae I..."

Me: " Brooke, I like you. A lot. And I know technically I'm not allowed to date but I would fight for you. And I understand if you don't feel the same, but I won't stop trying to show you how much I care." I said my breath heaving as my finished. I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes and saw so many emotions.

But before I could do anything she smiled and pulled me into a hug. And whispered, " Thank you. And please, never stop trying."

Present day

Jk: " Hey, Hyung! You ok?"
I stared at the car ceiling. When did we park?

Me: " Yeah I'm fine just sleepy."
I said as I got out of the car.

Jimin : "He is not sleepy, he is just day dreaming about Brooke."

Me: " Oh shut up, Jimin." I said hiding my blush.

For the rest of the day we practiced and all I thought about was Brooke.
God, I miss her.

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