Beginning Again

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One Week
Brook's POV
It's been a week since I told everyone the truth and Ani's threat is still hanging over my head but I'm trying to ignore it. I still have time.

But today is also my first day of work and me and Bella just parked. We grab my things out of my trunk and begin walking to the building.

Bella: " I can't believe you took this job, which does not, by the way, have anything to do with law, without knowing where it was." She shook her head at me.

Me: " Hey, when your desperate, your desperate." I giggle at how she kept shaking her head.

I hadn't been looking forward until I heard Bella gasp behind me.
Me: " Hey, what......happened..."

I trailed the off as I saw where I would be working for the next 8 months.

BigHit Studios

Bella: " You are are working at.." I cut her off.

Me: "Don't say it just keep walking."

So for the rest of the day I was introduced to my boss and all my co workers, while Bella was gaping at all of it.
Oh and did I forget to mention that my boss is the CEO of the whole frickin company.
- - - - -
Bella: " So when are you telling the guys?" She says as we sit down to eat something having just arrived at my apartment.
Me: " I'm not."
Bella: " What do you mean?! You are literally working for them and your not going to tell them." She looked at me as if I had two heads.
Me: " Yup."
She shook her head at me and ate her food in silence.
I really didn't know why I didn't want to tell them. I guess it was because I knew I wasn't going to be here long. 

Sometimes I felt like telling her but I couldn't just keep dragging her with me . It was time I let her go. I cared for her too much to string her along any longer.

Bella: " The guys coming today?"
Me: " They haven't said anything so I guess not."

We hadn't seen them since Friday when we went to the fair together. They have been really busy with work and practice.
I kinda missed them but I pushed away that feeling knowing that I couldn't let it stay. It would only hurt more when I left.
My mind began to wander while I ate. Little did I know that it would wander to a darker place that night as I went to bed.

Hey guys! I am a terrible human being for taking so long. I have been really busy. I am a sophomore in high school and I'm dying 😵. But please keep reading! And remember to believe in yourself.😘

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