Future Nightmares

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Brooks POV
Her laughter rang out through the house. " Mami no!" 10 year old me giggled as my mom tickled my sides. I ran away finally getting out of her grasp. " I'm coming to get you."  She sang our laughs combining to make its own music. The image faded showing 15 year old me sitting on my bed with my mom bed. " Mom I'm so nervous." She looked at me with a smile on her face. " Lily, mi amor, it's going to be fine. Jayce está tragado he is probably panicking just as much as you are right now." She laughed at the blush that crept onto my cheeks at her words. The door bell rang and we went down stairs to the door. My mom opened the door to show a smiling 16 year old Jayce. " Hi Mrs. Montoya. Lily, you look... beautiful." He said his cheeks tinting red. My mom nudged me out the door. " Have fun." She sang, the sound slowly fading into the image of my mother's lifeless body laying in a puddle of her own blood. Her eyes slowly losing their life.

Me: "Mom!"
My scream rang out through my apartment. Tears streamed down my face unceasingly.
Bella burst into my room.

Bella: " What happened?! Are you ok?" She then noticed my tears.
Bella: " Brook-" I cut her off.
Me: " Bella don't. I'm fine go back to sleep it's 3:00 in the morning I'll be fine. It was just a nightmare." I said, my voice coming out shakes as I tried to wipe the tears off my face.
Bella: " But you-" I cut her off again.
Me: " But nothing I have work today and you have to start packing you leave tomorrow, ok? I'm fine. Go get rest."
She sighed and gave me one glance before leaving my room and going back to bed.

My shoulders slumped as soon as the door shut behind her. I fell back into my bed. My heart racing,  I waited for it to calm down before getting up and going to the bathroom.

I won't be able to sleep. Ugh. I haven't been I able to sleep since Ani.....

My thoughts trailed off as I got into the shower, water trailing down my body. The cold water sent a shiver down my spine as it slowly woke me up.

I had two hours before I had to get up and go to work, so I decided to just go into my closet and write something.

When I was younger my mom gave me a journal to help me cope with my feelings.
At first I didn't get it but after I while I started writing songs. I went through so many journals as a kid that my mom bought me a new one every Christmas. I still had every single one of those journals. They were the only thing I had brought from home.

I sat down in the chair I had asked the movers to set up with a small night stand next to it. I grabbed the small journal that was under the night stand and began to write. The words and melody coming easy to me..

🎶 I remember your laugh;
I remember your smell.
The way your eyes lit up whenever you smiled.
Oh how I miss that now.🎶
The chorus easily flowing in with the first verse.
🎶 I have broken through every surface
I have fought every battle that comes my way
And I wish you were near through it all....🎶
I felt my mind and emotions clear as the lyrics and melody came to my mind. 

As the music flowed through me I realized that maybe today wouldn't be so bad and I was right because for the rest of the morning my mind was at peace.


After I got out of work I grabbed some groceries and headed home. I was going to make home made pizza with Bella today as a going away dinner. We used to do it all the time when we were in high school.

I had invited the guys but they had a late practice tonight so they promised to come by in the morning to come with us to the airport.

Me: " Bells I'm home! I have a surprise!" I said as I walked through the door.
She walked into the kitchen just as I set down the bags of ingredients I had bought.
Bella: " Hey, how was work? What did you get?" She asked, tilting her head slightly as she always did when she was confused or had a question.
Me: " Well work was good. How was your lunch date with Kook?" I teased wiggling my eyebrows at her.

Today Jungkook had texted me asking if it was ok for him to surprise her for lunch during his lunch break. Of course I said yes.

Bella: " *gasp* You knew?! Of course you knew!" I chuckled at her surprise and lack of answering my question.

Me: " So how was it?"

Bella: " It was short but nice. We went to this nice cafe and talked for an hour before he dropped me off and went back to work. But that doesn't matter, what's in the bags?" The light blush on her cheeks said otherwise but I let it pass.

Me: " Guess." I said giving her a knowing look and grinning as I saw her eyes light up as she realized what we were going to do.

She didn't even say anything, she simply began helping me take out the stuff.  We started making the pizza listening to music and throwing flour at each other every so often.

God, I would miss this when I was gone but it was for the best. She needed a life beyond me dragging her around everywhere. I was just happy that she found Jungkook to be there for her when I left without explanation. 

I watched as her smile lit up the room as we took out the pizza and sat down to eat it. I would forever miss that smile as tomorrow would be one of the last times I would get to see her.

Hey guys! I hope you like this update. Thank you for all your love and support. Also I hope you have a merry Christmas. Remember always believe in yourself.😘

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