Well This Just Got A Lot Better

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Taehyung's POV
What is he doing with a women and two kids?! Was Jungkook cheating? No, he was just talking about proposing to Bella! It wouldn't make sense! Plus I knew him; he wasn't that type of guy!
I shook my head to calm myself down.
I had followed Jungkook since yesterday without letting him know. Yoongi Hyung was mad but agreed not to say anything when I caught a later flight to Busan. I just didn't get it. He had been disappearing a lot more lately. And he wouldn't tell me where either! I mean I get it I've been.... cold, but I just didn't know how to smile without Brook. I sighed and got out of my car and quietly walked into the restaurant.
I pulled my hat down lower over my head. I chose a table close but far enough from their table that they wouldn't notice me. I sat ordered and observed them. The woman sat with her back facing me so I still couldn't see her.

Jungkook's POV
Taylor and Jin sat down across from each other on the booth. Brook and I did the same.
"Ok, my little spies. Come with me to order and report." I winked at them and they followed me to the counter. When we ordered I turned to them.
"So my little spies.... what do we have to report?" I bent down to hear what they had to say. Taylor stepped up first.
"She's not eating that much anymore, Samchon. I'm worried." I saw little tears in her and I hugged her. I know Brook didn't mean to worry those she loved but how could she not? She's always trying to protect everyone. But who protected her?
"Tay don't cry." I tried to console her. "Eomma just has a lot on her mind right now." She wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. I smiled at her. She was just like her mom. Jin stepped up next.
"She's also working out a lot more. She barely sleeps anymore too, Samchon. Ta Ta was up crying about it one time." He gave his sister a small hug before looking back to me.
"Order for Justin Seagull!" A worker yelled out and the kids burst out laughing.
"Sh sh sh." I giggled with them . "Here." I called and went to pick up the order.

Brook's POV
The kids follow after Jungkook and I watch as they ordered. Jin suddenly ran, as fast as his little legs can take him, back to me.
"Eomma!" He yells breathlessly. Taylor and him know not to speak in Spanish when we are in public.
"Shhh... Your being very loud." I giggle and ruffle his hair.
"Oh, sorry Eomma. Samchon wants to know if you want gimbap or noodles." He whispered and I smiled at his attempt to lower his voice.
"Tell Samchon that I'm not hungry but that I'm thankful for his offer." I hadn't been feeling that hungry recently. I was sure it was just my body going into my monthly. Jin pouted at me before nodding and walking back to Jungkook. I turned to watch him but a man in black clothes, a mask, and a cap caught my attention. He was starring straight at me but I couldn't see his face. I immediately turned back around, adrenaline running through my veins. I tapped my thigh to make sure my gun was still well placed and hidden. Ok, yes I brought a gun but one can never be too careful. I sneaked another look at the guy. Was he one of my dad's watchmen, but that didn't make sense. He hadn't sent a spy or a bodyguard since Jungkook held his own against two of his men before he had to send in two others. I shook my head. Was this guy one of my dad's enemy's men?
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Tay.
"Eomma? You ok?"She asked as she hugged my side to get my attention.
"Yeah I'm ok. Sorry I spaced out for a second." I smiled at her. Jungkook placed something in front of me and I looked to see a bowl of noodles.
"Taylor why don't you sit with your brother and I sit with Eomma?" He asked and she nodded and went to sit with Jin.
"Jungkook..." I was about to tell him I was fine but he cut me off.
"The kids tell me your not eating?!" He whisper scolded me. "Or sleeping?! Noona you can't keep doing this. Overworking your body but only giving it enough care for it to not push you over the brink? Brook please. If you won't do it for you, do it for the kids! Do it for Hyung." He looked at me pleadingly. Of course he would pull the Taehyung card. I sighed and looked back at him with a small smile.
"Ok. Fine, I will." I answered and I meant it. He was right I had to take care of the kids.
"Thank you. Now, I want to see that whole bowl empty, Noona. Ok?" He said seriously.
"Yes Dad." I giggled. He got flustered.
"Yah! Noona! Don't do that!" I laughed and we all started to eat. When we finished eating, we went to the park we always went too for the kids to play. What I didn't expect was to have someone tap me on my shoulder at the park. I panicked and pulled out my gun, pointing it at the person. My actions stopped. What...
"Brook?" I sucked in a breath as I heard his deep smooth voice.

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