Found Love

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4 Months Later

Brooke's POV

Me: "Tae, where are you taking me?" I giggled at the mischievous look on his face.

It was our 4 month anniversary and all week he had been teasingly sneaking around. I was starting to get worried. The other day I was at his house hanging out with him and the guys. I thought I had left my hoodie in his room the other day when I had stayed over so I went to go get it but before I could even get to the door he pulled me back. I honestly didn't know what was going to happen.

Tae: "It's a surprise. How many times do I have to tell you." He said as we parked in front of a BigHit.

We got in the car and then entered the building. When we got into the elevator he put his hands over my eyes.

Me: "Baby, please tell me what your doing?" I said alluringly, trying to get him to tell me.

Tae: "Not a chance,Babe." I huffed at his denial.

Tae's POV

I was so excited to see Brooke's reaction. She had kept asking me what we are doing but I couldn't give in.

I felt her eyes twitch under my hands and my grin grew bigger as the elevator dinged to signal that we had made it to the roof.

Brooke's POV

He slowly lead me onto what seemed to be a balcony but I couldn't tell. He stopped after 10 feet and carefully took his hands off my eyes.

Tae: "Ok, you can open your eyes now."

I gasped at the sight in front of me. Taehyung had laid out a romantic picnic on the roof of the building. The stars and dark night made the fairy lights he put around it even brighter and more romantic.

Me: "Tae, its so beautiful."

Tae: "I'm glad you like it."

For the rest of the night we ate, talked, kissed, and laughed until a security guard chased us out of the building. That night I slept in his arms, surrounded by love. Little did I know that in a couple days this happiness would become greater and would shatter at the same time.

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