You Were Supposed To Stay!

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Jungkook's POV
Ring Ring Ring
"Hi Hyung! What's up?" I said as I picked up Tae Hyung's call.
"Hi Jungkookie! Are you going to Brook's right now?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm driving there right now. Why?" He seemed worried.
"It's just she hasn't been sleeping well since Wednesday and today she was acting really strange. Can you just look after her, please?" I mean I had seen that Noona was tired but I didn't think she hadn't been sleeping.
"Of course, Hyung! You know I would do anything for Noona!" I responded immediately.
"Thanks Kook. I'll see you later."
"Ok, bye Hyung." He hung up and I pulled into Brook's apartment parking lot. I went up and knocked on the door twice but got no answer.
I used the spare key Noona gave me to get in instead. That was weird she usually always answered.
"Noona! I'm here! Noona?" As I walked into the apartment something seemed off. I walked into the living room and it was empty.
"Noona?!" I ran upstairs, panic filling me, and looked at all the rooms and they were the same.
"Noona!" I ran into her room and found her there, relief came over me before the worry kicked back in. She was on the bathroom floor crying. She had eight letters in front of her, a clear backpack and a suitcase. They were all packed. Why did she have all of this? Why was the apartment empty?
"Kookie?" She questioned as she looked up at me and wiped her face. "What are you doing here?"
"Noona, what are you doing?" I ignored her question. This didn't feel right.
"Kook I texted you and said you didn't have to come." She repeated her thoughts.
"Noona, that doesn't matter. What...what is this?" My voice became quitter as I finally realized why she had these things. "Your leaving?" Tears continued to fall from her eyes while they filled mine.
"I have to, Jungkook ." She said and the tears I had been holding in started falling.
"Why?" I couldn't understand why. Why did she have to leave. We needed her. Tae needed her.
"Because of this." She handed me a letter that she took out of her pocket.
I read through the letter twice before looking back at her.
"Why.... When did this happen?" I asked. Why was her dad doing this to her? Didn't he want her to be happy?
"Right before Bella left." And as if she knew we were talking about her, my phone started ringing. Her name showed on the screen and I answered.
"Hey, Jagi. How are you?" I tried to keep my voice calm. I looked at Noona and saw the way her eyes begged me not to say anything, so I obliged. It hurt that I couldn't tell her. She deserved to know.
"Hi, Amor (Love). I'm good. Are you ok? It sounds like you've been crying?" She always noticed the simplest things. I chuckled trying to keep my sadness at bay.
"No, I just choked on some water." I lied and cleared my throat.
"Ok, what are you doing?" She always called me in the morning to see how I was doing.
"Nothing, just on my way to Noona's." I hated lying, especially to her.
"Oh, so your driving?"
"Yeah, I am."
"Jungkook, how many times do I have to tell you not to answer my calls when your driving?" She said. She never liked it when I answered the phone while driving.
"At least another hundred times." I joked trying to hide how I was feeling. She always worried over me which was one of the many things I loved about her.
"Ok then, bunny, I'm going to let you go, bye." She said. I could practically see her shaking her head and I smiled at the thought.
"Ok, bun, I love you."
"I love you too, Kook." She hung up.
"Noona, I need you to explain." I had finally calmed down and I needed to know what was going on.
"Ok." She said and explained everything to me. Of course she was leaving. I would leave to if it meant I could keep the people I loved safe. But what I didn't expect was when she told me this:
"Jungkook, I'm pregnant." She had a sad smile on her face. Tae was going to be a dad?! Wait... could she even tell him?!
"You're pregnant?! I'm going to be an uncle?! Or are you.." I trailed off. Maybe she didn't want it.
"No, I'm keeping it. I need a reminder of Tae and they will be just that." She had a hand on her stomach and I smiled at the motherly look in her eyes.
"But you can't tell Tae. Or anybody." She looked down at her watch. "I have to leave Kook."
"Ok, I won't tell anybody. But can I take you to the airport?" I looked her, hoping she would say yes.
"Yes, of course." She looked so distraught.
"But, Noona, promise me this: stay in touch."
"Kook, I..."
"No, promise me." I wouldn't tell Tae but I needed to know she was safe.
"Ok, I will." Tears we're in her eyes again.
"Ok, let's go."
~Time Skip~
We arrived at the airport and I got out of the car to help her. When we had taken out the suitcase she gave me hug.
"I'm going to miss you Kook." She sobbed.
"I'm going to miss you too. But I'm visiting every other month so this is t goodbye forever, ok?"
"Ok. I love you, Donsaeng." She joked.
"I love you too." I said and I watched her leave. I would miss her so much. She was my sister, my best friend, the person who introduced me to Bella. My heart hurt to know I couldn't tell them where she would be. I looked down at the eight letters she entrusted me with and started my drive back to the dorms.

When I arrived I hesitated at the door. How was I going to tell them she was gone? I decided that I would just act on instinct and pulled open the door.
The guys were all in living room and they turned to look at me.
"Jungkook, your back early. What's up?" Namjoon said.
"Wow, Kook, you look like someone just died, what happened?" Yoongi said and Jin kicked him. "What it's true." My heart beat in my chest. I wasn't ready.
"Jungkook, where's Brook?" Tae finally spoke up.
"Where is she?"
"Kook, what happened to Brook?" Jimin said as well.
I finally spoke up.
"She's gone." That's the only thing that I could get out.

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